OK, let me try.
It takes between two hours and more than two years for a site to get reviewed by an editor.
There is no queue, only a pool of submissions by category. Editors can review sites in the pool in any order they choose, or randomly. One of the sort options for editors is by date of submission, but there is no requirement that editors view sites in that order.
The ultimate decision as to which category the site will be listed in is made by the editor, based up to the relevancy of hte content of the site.
When at least 30 days have passed since the last time you submitted the site, you may go to the Submission Status forum. there, please carefully read and follow the instructions on how to format and request a submission status check. This discussion thread is not for status checks.
Finally, do not resubmit again, for any reason, unless specifically told to do so by an editor.