Take a break and look back !!


Oct 31, 2006

My first post here so take it easy on me :D

I don't have any sites listed in dmoz. I only submitted once 7 years ago and got rejected. The editor was even nice enough to write me an email. 7 years working daily online and made over 100 sites but never submitted any of them since that day. He simply told me to get back to him with a quality site and thats why I never got back to him :p

Anyway, im not here to discuss about my dmoz history, or any sites pending approval or sites that have been rejected. Im here to discuss sites that are already listed in dmoz but with no quality/content at all :(

Yes, Although its hard to believe but being online 12/7 for the last 7 years, has shown me so many crapy sites listed in Dmoz directory with no content what so ever and with 20-50 affiliates links.

How the hell did they get listed in the first place and how come they are still listed !?

Seriosly, either the editor was too drunk when he approved these sites or simply the editor is the owner of the site !

Lets take the hosting market as an example. Which is a really big income market:


Show me ONE site that is truly a hosting directory !! You either pay a commission per sale to get listed or pay per click. Punch of pages with affiliates links/banners !! I personally found a few worth being listed.

Anyway, The issue has been discussed many times in many major forums so its not my opinion only. Take it as an advice/suggestion/comment but take it seriosly.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> How the hell did they get listed in the first place and how come they are still listed !?
Maybe they had different content when they were listed and nobody has told us yet they changed and neither did we notice ourself.
Maybe the DMOZ guidelines have changed and the sites was listibale under old guidelines and not under new guidelines.

> Seriosly, either the editor was too drunk when he approved these sites or simply the editor is the owner of the site !
Or maybe you are just rude and uncivilised.

Did you report the sites that shouldn't be listed under current DMOZ guidelines?
No, why not?
You don't need to be an editor to make a positive contribution to the directory.
Or are you just one of those persons complaining but not willing to do something themself to help solve a (possible) problem.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I'm sure there are lots of categories containing sites that we wouldn't list if they were reviewed today. Some may have been listed because the guidelines were different in the past, some may have been fine when they were listed but the sites themselves have subsequently changed. However, with only a relatively small number of volunteer editors compared with the number of categories, you can see that we don't have time to check everything all the time. If you'd like to help the directory improve, why not apply to become an editor?

One thing though, I think you may be misunderstanding the requirements for a listing. It really has nothing to do with "quality" in the way that most people would think. What we actually require is "unique content" -- for full details see our site selection criteria. For the hosting directories you mentioned, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with directories which charge for listings as long as they're still useful as a directory for users. The question you should be asking yourself with relation to that category is: "if I'm looking for different web hosting options, does that category do a good job of helping me find them?"


May 9, 2006
I have made a list after reading this post and looked over the weeds, I am going to posting my findings in the next few minutes.

With the current tech problems are you able to take out the trash and pull some weeds for me.


Oct 31, 2006
pvgool said:
> How the hell did they get listed in the first place and how come they are still listed !?
Maybe they had different content when they were listed and nobody has told us yet they changed and neither did we notice ourself.
Maybe the DMOZ guidelines have changed and the sites was listibale under old guidelines and not under new guidelines.

Everything change and thats why you need two kind of editors. One to approve new listing and one to keep checking the old listing's.

pvgool said:
> Seriosly, either the editor was too drunk when he approved these sites or simply the editor is the owner of the site !
Or maybe you are just rude and uncivilised.

No, im just being 100% realistic.

pvgool said:
Did you report the sites that shouldn't be listed under current DMOZ guidelines?
No, why not?
You don't need to be an editor to make a positive contribution to the directory.
Or are you just one of those persons complaining but not willing to do something themself to help solve a (possible) problem.

I complain and bring your attention to the current problem. Its your jop to fix it, not the visitor/viewer jop !! There are too many sites for me alone to report and the directory needs a major update to fix this. We are talking about the largest internet directory with over 4 million sites !!!

chaos127 said:
I'm sure there are lots of categories containing sites that we wouldn't list if they were reviewed today. Some may have been listed because the guidelines were different in the past, some may have been fine when they were listed but the sites themselves have subsequently changed. However, with only a relatively small number of volunteer editors compared with the number of categories, you can see that we don't have time to check everything all the time. If you'd like to help the directory improve, why not apply to become an editor?

You are realistic and I give you credit for that. You need more editors to cover this huge open project and im sure you get so many applications everyday. Maybe you should approve more applications and this way you would get more editors.

One thing though, I think you may be misunderstanding the requirements for a listing. It really has nothing to do with "quality" in the way that most people would think. What we actually require is "unique content" -- for full details see our site selection criteria. For the hosting directories you mentioned, there's nothing intrinsically wrong with directories which charge for listings as long as they're still useful as a directory for users. The question you should be asking yourself with relation to that category is: "if I'm looking for different web hosting options, does that category do a good job of helping me find them?"

These are the first lines in the guideline:

Original, unique and valuable informational content that contributes something unique to the category's subject

A site should not mirror content available on other sites.
Thousands of hosting companies out there but almost all the hosting directories you have, have the same hosting companies (20-50). All affiliates links with cj network. So the answer to your last question is no, because all of them will point me to the same 20-50 which are the worst hosting companies in the market but thats another issue and its off topic.

The site should not be on the list of sites that the ODP does not generally include.
I rest my case. check the list of sites that the ODP does not generally include.

Now, forget about the hosting market and lets talk about Expired Domains/Websites.

Over 20k domains/sites expire everyday and get grapped by domainers (domain hunters), Many of them listed in dmoz and they get sold out for serios cash. They mostly end up a parked domain or developed into an adsense site.

Yes, I have seen that dmoz is removing these domains/sites but its not keeping up. Although its not really hard to keep up.

A few editors can monitor the domain market and keep removing these expired domains. They don't have to check 20k domains daily because domainers do this daily and publish it in public. Simply keep an eye on the domain market but on daily/weekly bases.

One more time. Take this as an advice/suggestion. Im here to discuss, not to flame.


May 9, 2006
senaia said:
Now, forget about the hosting market and lets talk about Expired Domains/Websites.

Over 20k domains/sites expire everyday and get grapped by domainers (domain hunters), Many of them listed in dmoz and they get sold out for serios cash. They mostly end up a parked domain or developed into an adsense site.

Here is something really simple for you to understand "YOU DONT HAVE TO BE AN EDITOR TO MAKE A CHANGE"

Hell I know I am disliked by editors here, and you know what they still have to delete what I find, if my findings are founded and based on facts and not resentments or malice.

You see how quick some one jumped from here to the other place and replied, I subtracted a post after the site came back from a 404 site not found.

Editors don't even have to use suggestions, they list what they feel is relevant and meets there interoperations of the guidelines.

You can set ten people in a room and you will get three people who are spot on with a meaning and two who are not and five who will ask you what the question was.

You want to make a change post your findings in that link I gave you, point out the areas and make your case.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Maybe you should approve more applications and this way you would get more editors.
Unless there's some big conspiracy I'm not aware of, I think it's reasonably safe to assume that the meta edtiors who evaluate applications would like to accept as many good new editors as possible. Therefore they'll aim to accept everyone whose application leads them to believe that they will have a positive net impact on the directory. Of course we have to be careful not to admit editors who may not be good at following the guidlines, or even be too drunk to edit properly! ;)


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Over 20k domains/sites expire everyday and get grapped by domainers (domain hunters), Many of them listed in dmoz and they get sold out for serios cash. They mostly end up a parked domain or developed into an adsense site.
... A few editors can monitor the domain market and keep removing these expired domains. They don't have to check 20k domains daily because domainers do this daily and publish it in public. Simply keep an eye on the domain market but on daily/weekly bases.
As far as I know something like this is already happening. However, parked domains which do not return 404 type errors are not always easy to spot by automated tools. If you know of any collection of such parked sites (which include a number of ODP listings) please let us know so we can look into why they were missed.
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