

Apr 3, 2009
hutcheson said:
Remember that almost no editing decision is permanent. Listed sites are removed daily. And many sites that are listed, had previously been reviewed (in some context) and not listed. If your site gets listed, you'll just have to start worrying about when it'll be deleted.

Certainty is a delusion. Uncertainty is a necessary part of a working relationship with reality. Learn to cherish it.

Waiting, however, is a waste of time. Get on with your life, and your mission. If you have some personal or business need for promotion, don't depend on volunteers who cannot possibly share that need--obtain it from people who offer it.
I have requested for listing my website <url removed> one months ago but still not listed, so can you please tell me how much time it will take for listing? Although you have mension it will take 2 week or more.

Suppose a website is submitted more than once for listing then does it affect on listing criteria or that site will be surely rejected.

Hope for response and sugessions



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
In the context of this thread, I'd answer:

I'm uncertain how long it will take.

I'm uncertain whether or not it will ever be listed.

And I'm OK with all that. Because I'm uncertain about many things that are more important than either of those!


Apr 3, 2009
hutcheson said:
In the context of this thread, I'd answer:

I'm uncertain how long it will take.

I'm uncertain whether or not it will ever be listed.

And I'm OK with all that. Because I'm uncertain about many things that are more important than either of those!
But is there any way to know the status for listing any site?
If there is any way kindly know me how to check for status whether the site is in pending or remove from ques.



Apr 3, 2009
Just I want to know .....
If a website is listed in ODP then a mail is sent to the owner who has submitted the website for listening ?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
tcyonline said:
Just I want to know .....
If a website is listed in ODP then a mail is sent to the owner who has submitted the website for listening ?
You will not get a mail. Not when a site is listed, not when it is rejected, not when it is removed, not when it is moved to another category. Just plain: never.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If a website is listed in ODP then a mail is sent

No. It shows up in the directory and its search (Search on domain.tld only).

.. to the owner who has submitted the website for listening ?

Anybody can suggest a website, not just the owner. Also, we reckon that around half of our listings were found by editors for themselves and never suggested at all :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If a website is listed in ODP then a mail is sent

You may have gotten the impression from other posts that the answer is "no".

That's almost correct. Probably the best answer is "expletive-deleted no".

But WHY?

Just this. That site suggestion was kept until it's no longer needed. (Perhaps it's no longer needed because the site got listed. Perhaps it's no longer needed because there wasn't anything useful in the suggestion in the first place. That doesn't matter. What matters is: that suggestion has done all the good it's going to do. Otherwise, the editor could keep it for later use.)

If the site was listed, then an _honest_ site owner won't need notification.

This is an important point. The honest site owner is developing his site based on his plans (which have nothing to do with the Open Directory--they're about his business or hobby or personal interest, or perhaps some organization he is a member of.) He won't do anything different when the site is listed--wherever it's listed, whether it's the Open Directory or Yahoo or his town's BBB site, or some other hobbyist's link list page. That's what "integrity" means.

But the DISHONEST site owner NEEDS that information. As soon as the site gets enough visibility under some false pretense, he's going to change it--start publishing porn or affiliate spam or spyware--or something else so vicious that nobody would have given him a link if they'd known what he was up to. And he needs to know QUICKLY, because these websites don't last long (before people catch on). The more dishonest the site owner, the worse he needs to know exactly when his site is listed.

Now do you see why it makes editors really really nervous when people are really really pushy about exactly when their site is going to be listed?

And those are the GOOD suggestions. How about the other suggestions. Suppose you phrased your question like this: "Volunteer editors, I have made a suggestion that has a good chance of totally wasting your time, keeping you from finding some useful site, and hurting all the users of the Open Directory. And it's extremely important for me to know exactly when your time was wasted, because I want to ... do something else that will waste even more of your time. But I want to waste your time in the most efficient way--that is, I don't want to waste any of MY time unless it wastes even more of yours. But what I can't understand is this. WHY OH WHY won't you tell me when you've wasted your time on my suggestion, so I can immediately make it again?"

And if the suggestion is useless, that is the right way of asking the question.

But what possible answer can you expect?


Apr 3, 2009
For your reply,
But still there is no anyway for knowing when a website will be listed in ODP. A sugestive member have to wait for a long time or just check by searching their website in ODP.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> But still there is no anyway for knowing when a website will be listed in ODP.
The website will be visible in the directoy when it is listed.
And at that moment everybody will know.

> A sugestive member have to wait for a long time or just check by searching their website in ODP.
Or do other much more usefull and interesting things. Why spend time waiting and checking for something you don't control.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>A sugestive member have to wait for a long time or just check by searching their website in ODP.

Vanity searches are always possible. If that's the way you like to spend your time, go ahead. Why do you think we would care? It doesn't hurt us. It doesn't help us. We really don't mind.


Apr 3, 2009
hutcheson said:
>A sugestive member have to wait for a long time or just check by searching their website in ODP.

Vanity searches are always possible. If that's the way you like to spend your time, go ahead. Why do you think we would care? It doesn't hurt us. It doesn't help us. We really don't mind.
Lots of thanks for your sugession and your giudelines.
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