Thank you, and a couple of submission questions

First off I just want to thank all the editors of ODP. You are a shining star in a pay for inclusion world. Your volunteer efforts are truly self sacrificing, and I just want to let you all know I appreciate all that you do! /images/icons/smile.gif

I have a couple of questions about my submission to the ODP.
I submitted my site to [Top: Shopping: Jewelry: Supplies: Beads: A] about six weeks ago; the category is without an editor. Has there been a backlog of submissions to categories without an editor? Should I submit again? My site is . Any help would be very appreciated.

Thank you,


Mar 26, 2002
There is no backlog in that category and I would have added your site had it worked. I got a Page Cannot be Displayed message. We will not list your site if we cannot review it. As soon as the site comes back up post back and maybe we will try again.

Re: Thank you, and a couple of submission question

Hello TheHelper, thank you for taking the time out to look at my site. It seems that I was having a temporary DNS problem. I think they call that Murphy's law. Everything is loading fine now.

Re: Thank you, and a couple of submission question

Could someone please tell me the status of this site?
thank you,

Re: Thank you, and a couple of submission question

Thank you Ettore! Like I said above, I really appreciate the ODP. No other directory has ever come close.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.