The Bugs In Russian Directory


Jan 19, 2008
Sorry for my English, but i can't NOT to write about bugs in this directory.

Yesterday i surfed DMOZ catalod to submit my own blog and i saw in this directory a lot of wrong/broken backlinks of submitted blogs.

Then i click to "report abuse/spam" and of course i cant do it because it can do only EDITOR of catalog. Then i saw option "To Become Editor of This Catalog". I send my "resume" there. In this resume i send information about bugs in this catalog and today i get e-mail:
Dear Андрей Коньков,

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project editor!
Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have
chosen a category that is already well represented, or is broader than
we typically assign to a new editor. We would encourage you to re-apply
for a category that has fewer editors or is smaller in scope, in order
to increase your chances of being accepted.

Feel free to reapply by submitting an application in another area.
If you wish to re-apply, you must fill out another application.
Please do not reply to this email.

The Open Directory Project

Additional reviewer comments:

The category you applied for is larger than we like to assign to a new editor, still learning the ropes. The appropriate size for a first category depends on the nature of the category (for example, how much spam it attracts, and whether site placement decisions are straightforward or tricky) but as a rule of thumb, categories with at least 15 sites (so that you can actively edit and gain experience) but fewer than 70-100 sites are good choices.

What does it mean?
DMOZ think that i cant be editor of catalog because it too big?
Oh, may be its right, but i dont think so!!!

OK, may be im not good editor, but now - WHO WILL CORRECT MISTAKES wich i sand to DMOZ with my resume to become editor of this directory.

IM very sorry that this directory still doesnt have editor.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
DMOZ think that i cant be editor of catalog because it too big?
Oh, may be its right, but i dont think so!!!
The category is too large for a new editor. Perhaps pick one of the subcategories to apply for instead. You can work up to the full category once you have some experience.

OK, may be im not good editor, but now - WHO WILL CORRECT MISTAKES wich i sand to DMOZ with my resume to become editor of this directory.
No one will take action in the category as a result of your application to become an editor. It's possible that an editor might take an interest in the category at some point but it won't be because of your application.
Then i click to "report abuse/spam" and of course i cant do it because it can do only EDITOR of catalog.
The "report abuse/spam" link isn't for editors so you should be able to report the problems that you've seen using that link. You can also use the "Update listing" link to report individual problems with specific URLs -- that is more helpful because only meta editors will see the abuse/spam report and any editors with privileges in the area will be able to see update requests. You can also post information about broken links in the Report Hijacks, Dead Links, Inappropriate ODP Content, and other issues here ONLY thread in our Quality Control Feedback forum here.


Jan 19, 2008
The category is too large for a new editor.
What do you mean? There are really many subdirectories there, but every of them has no more 4-5 positions. Is it big? I dont think so :(


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
We do. If you would like to become an editor, you'll have to pick a smaller category, either one of the subcategories of this one or another small category somewhere else. The additional reviewer comments in the e-mail you received were very clear about that.


Jan 19, 2008
Thanl you very much, and another last question:
All responses from DMOZ i get in English language, may be i must write there in English too?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You can write in English if you want but there are Russian-language forums available as well.

I'm not sure why the e-mail you received was all in English -- you chose Russian as the language you wanted to communicate in and the automated portion of the email at least should have been in Russian, though the reviewer comments may have still been in English.
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