The dogma's about domains


Jun 28, 2005
Dear friends,
This question probably has been asked numerous times - please forgive me for trying again:

In the guidelines, it clearly says that a website can only be in the directory once. Even suggesting part of a site as an independent entry can be reason for repraisals, I gather. This is, i.m.o. a great shame since it severely limits the usefulness of the directory.
Take this case as an example: I work for a University (The VU in Amsterdam) and these days I busy myself trying to make some of the terabytes of information on the VU-website better accessable to the general public. However: dmoz only allows one entry. ! Just one entry - with a one-line description. What use is that? How the hell would people find info on a bachelor's program in Slavic languages or a link to the tens of thousands of articles which are available on-line?
The same goes, of course, for all the big sites.
The results of this policy are plainly visible in the directory: clicking to Dutch and then to Universities, I see that in all of the Netherlands we only get higher education in Biology, History and Physics. A laughable list of three, where some 50 main subjects should have been listed. Even funnier: when i follow these few links, it appears that none of them links to a real university site In other words: it lists some dubious exceptions instead of the main bulk of information.
For other countries, the situation seems even worse (I'm talking about universities now).

In my view, This problem links to another question: the "redirected urls's".
The guideline says: never should you make a link to a URL which is redirected to another URL.
I can't fathom WHY, I have a number of URL's which point to specific parts of the site. Let's be realistic: which would your prefer: or instead the URL ?
Specific URL's which redirect to parts of a site could be, it seems to me, a GREAT HELP with identifying the relevant sub-sections of a site. Using them that way just means you profit from the knowledge of the editors of the site: they use special domain-names to indicate portions of a site - and usually they do so with good reason.

Apart from that, there's still another reason why redirecting domain-names are very useful. Think of the Internet domain-name system: is not every domain-name a 'redirect' to an IP-address? A redirect which can be changed every day?
My personal use for the 6 domain names I have is that, wherever the site is hosted, I can keep the name. Thus, my visitors don't even know the site has moved from one server to another - nor do they want to know. A redirecting domain-name is just a very handy way of taking care the links stay valid over time.

And if someone is going to bring up 'abuse' and such issues: I'm sure it would be comparatively easy to (automatically) exclude any abuse.

Yours sincerely,

PS: why does it have to take over 15 minutes of tense clicking to find this forum again on the dmoz site?


Mar 25, 2002

Welcome to address your points. The first one is fairly easy and it is a common misunderstanding.

mabelis said:
In the guidelines, it clearly says that a website can only be in the directory once.
It shouldn't say that at all. If it does, please let me know so I can take steps to have it changed.

What the guidelines talks about is how many submissions a user should make of a particular site. I have tried to explain this in more detail in the forum post at

but that doesn't really address your issue - that of individual pages or parts of a site getting another listing. Because the rules for submissions do not correspond for the rules of listing - an ODP editor does far more than simply process the pile of URL suggestions made - they go out and find new sites for the category.

What we do not want is a submitter thinking their site is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and submitting every page of their site to a different category - a nightmare to sort through and it would take up a lot of time for the editors.

If an editor thinks that a particular site is appropriate for so-called "deeplinking" (which means that we list either sections of a site or even inidividual pages) then they have a way of letting other editors know, and the site gets "mined"

So I think that what you are talking about can take place, and that individual parts of a site considered worthy by editors can be listed in different categories. But this is purely an editorial decision.

I think that you will find that many universities have quite a few listings of parts of their sites.

This problem links to another question: the "redirected urls's".
The guideline says: never should you make a link to a URL which is redirected to another URL.
I can't fathom WHY, I have a number of URL's which point to specific parts of the site. Let's be realistic: which would your prefer: or instead the URL ?
The first, most definitely.

This is not aimed at academia - think of it from the business world - the more listings your site can have, the more publicity you will get... therefore if I buy up 30 domains, and make them all redirect to my site, then I can get 30 listings in the ODP and none of the editors will be any the wiser, right?

If we list the actual page, then the odds of this happening by accident are greatly reduced. We usually keep track of the original URL (or domain name) such that if the location changes, we can see where it goes to now.

not ideal, but given our experiences of the case I outlined earlier, the most pragmatic in order for us to stay sane.

PS: why does it have to take over 15 minutes of tense clicking to find this forum again on the dmoz site?
This site isn't an official DMOZ site - it is a private site run by a few ODP editors. That is why it's not linked to on the official site.

Hope this answers some of your questions.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This does not begin to address your specific questions, but I notice that the site contains content in both English and Dutch. Please note that content in each language is listed separately, and submitting the same site to separate language categories is a "generally recognized exception" to the submittal policy.

Also note that a personal page is still eligible for listing even though that person is a university professor and publishes his content on the university site.

As for redirecting names -- they are useful for webmasters, we understand. But having a "real URL" is useful for ODP maintenance. We won't tell you where or whether to use redirecting names -- but we don't want to deal with them.
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