Τhe editor don't want to submit my site because he is in the same business


Dec 23, 2004
The past last 4 months I had try (several times and from several web sites) to place my business web site to dmoz.
I didn't get any kind of replay!!
I’m a Real Estate broker and my web site is a Real estate web site.

I think that the editor of <details removed> is a Real Estate Broker in my country and in my area and he don’t want to place my website to dmoz directory.
My website is linked from the biggest Real Estate directories but I can’t submit it to dmoz directory!!!!! I think the only reason is the editor.!!
I think that dmoz.org don't want that kind of directories.
What should i will do ? To whom i can report this?
Please give me some advice
Thank you


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
In line with this forum's guidelines, I've removed detail of the category in question from your post.

Full instructions for reporting alleged editorial abuse are given here


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
tolis said:
The past last 4 months I had try (several times and from several web sites) to place my business web site to dmoz.
1) You can not place your site in DMOZ, you can only suggest it.
2) waiting 4 months is very common, some suggested sites have waited 2 years before they were evaluated

tolis said:
I didn't get any kind of replay!!
We never give any reply. If you want to know the status of your suggestion you can ask here at R-Z at the correct place.

tolis said:
I’m a Real Estate broker and my web site is a Real estate web site.

I think that the editor of <details removed> is a Real Estate Broker in my country and in my area and he don’t want to place my website to dmoz directory.
You can't know because you did not ask for status

tolis said:
My website is linked from the biggest Real Estate directories but I can’t submit it to dmoz directory!!!!! I think the only reason is the editor.!!
I think that dmoz.org don't want that kind of directories.
What should i will do ? To whom i can report this?
Please give me some advice
Thank you

1) ask for status
2) don't be so paranoid
3) I think filing an abuse report will be off no use, not reviewing a site within 4 months isn't abuse
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