The most popular website in a category and been refused 3 times now ?!?!


Jan 26, 2006
Hi guys,
I've tried countless times during the last few months to list my website

[url deleted]

in the

category and no success.

My website happens to be the largest source of information for romanian immigrants in the world (I mean 450,000 pageviews delivered to them monthly).

I have read your guidelines and have obeyed them to the letter when submitting.

I have also tried about 4 times to become an editor and have been promptly refused within 24 hours each time, no reason given.

Could you take a look at the other websites there, some of which don't even work anymore and tell me how come those websites deserve the listing and I don't? Do I really have to make it into a kiddie 5 pages website to get there?


Jan 23, 2003
I've tried countless times during the last few months to list my website

Please stop spamming our directory. The submission rules are clear: submit once to the single best category. Multiple submissions over a period of a few months is a blatant violation of our submissio policies.

You might also want to read this.

I have read your guidelines and have obeyed them to the letter when submitting.

Ummm......not to be picky, but by your own words you have not.

Could you take a look at the other websites there, some of which don't even work anymore and tell me how come those websites deserve the listing and I don't?

The process of reviewing a website for possible inclusion is generally not a comparative one. In all probability, no one has looked at your site yet.

It is also important ot realize that, with the 4 millino plus sites that are listed, there are going to be some that are less than desirable. They may have been lsitd a long time ago, or have been listed in error, or have undergone a content change and are now a "kiddie 5 pages website." The fact that there are some bad sites listed is not a good reason to list other bad sites. This is why we try to judge each website on its own merits -- based upon unique content, not upon Google rankings, page views, SEO positions or any other irrelevancies.

I have also tried about 4 times to become an editor and have been promptly refused within 24 hours each time, no reason given.

There is, within this forum, a separate discussion area for editor application questions, and such questions are best posted and answered there -- that way you get the best possible answer from teh team that actually reviews applications, rather than from a well-meaning dweeb such as myself who does not handle applications.


Apr 15, 2003
Could you take a look at the other websites there, some of which don't even work anymore and tell me how come those websites deserve the listing and I don't?
Sorry, but the editors have been too busy dealing with spam, and multiple submissions to have time to look at them. Instead of wasting our time and yours by submitting again, why don't you get rid of the flags at the bottom that don't work (except to change the picture) and stop submitting those flag URLs to various subcategories.


Jan 26, 2006
Counteless times = about 3 times in 6 months

Counteless times = about 3 times in 6 months

That's not spamming, is trying different descriptions of the website in the hope an editor will like one.

And I do agree with you:

"It is also important ot realize that, with the 4 millino plus sites that are listed, there are going to be some that are less than desirable. They may have been lsitd a long time ago, or have been listed in error, or have undergone a content change and are now a "kiddie 5 pages website.""

and hope you can suggest a solution so that what you just said will happen less.

I realize DMOZ is not perfect and have other websites listed in it, but this World category is a bit of a mess.

I'm wondering if in the "world" category the "senior editor" that approves other editors is speaking the same language as the one applying and if you have a consistent number of these "senior editors" to police each other.


Jan 26, 2006
bobrat said:
Sorry, but the editors have been too busy dealing with spam, and multiple submissions to have time to look at them. Instead of wasting our time and yours by submitting again, why don't you get rid of the flags at the bottom that don't work (except to change the picture) and stop submitting those flag URLs to various subcategories.

Those flags DO work, even though for people who don't understand romanian the content might seem the same, they are different.

as looks the same in every country but its content is different, so is mine ;)


Jan 26, 2006
bobrat said:
Sorry, but the editors have been too busy dealing with spam, and multiple submissions to have time to look at them. Instead of wasting our time and yours by submitting again, why don't you get rid of the flags at the bottom that don't work (except to change the picture) and stop submitting those flag URLs to various subcategories.

you probabily thought the flags were reffering to the language the website is in, but they reffer to the country the visitors are in


Jan 23, 2003
Counteless times = about 3 times in 6 months

That's not spamming, is trying different descriptions of the website in the hope an editor will like one.

We have a cute saying "two submissions does not a spammer make", however we have no such saying for three submissions in six months. :D


Jan 27, 2006
Six Sigma Overview

Dear All,

Please review my Six Sigma Site at::) :) :) :) :)

<violation of forum TOS removed.>

J Silangit


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
avartis said:
I've tried countless times during the last few months to list my website
That is a misunderstanding. You can not list websites. Only editors can. The only thing you can do is suggest a site. And you already did. Sometime in teh future (we can't predict when) the site will be reviewed.

avartis said:
I have also tried about 4 times to become an editor and have been promptly refused within 24 hours each time, no reason given.
As far as I know there are always some standard reasons give and sometime a specific reason. If no specific reason is given one or more of the standard reasons apply to your situation.

avartis said:
Could you take a look at the other websites there, some of which don't even work anymore and tell me how come those websites deserve the listing and I don't? Do I really have to make it into a kiddie 5 pages website to get there?
I have looked at the websites in that category (but can't read the language). One of the sites was hijacked and I left a note for the Romanian editors to remove the site. Thanks for your help.
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