The philosophy behind listing...


Oct 14, 2008

We have a commercial site, devoted to professional audio, plus an on-line shop to serve it and a technology-concept one for one of the producs we developed, and we host several different non-profit sites for free. I have been submitting our main site for years, and nothing. Two of the non-profit society-useful sites are listed, one with a star...the remaining three other ones no. The commercial sites are definitely not to be seen, in spite at least one of those contains scientific tutorial papers.
I am puzzled, can anybody help? If you are curious about what sites I am talking about, check my profile on google webmaster discussion forum, or the links at my personal website, which address is available at my profile here.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation

All the best



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Thanks for not posting your URLs here.

However, the reason that URLs are prohibited here is that we don't discuss specific websites - so there's no need for them.

In general, websites aren't listed for two possible reasons:

1. It's not the sort of website that we list. You can check for this yourself by studying

2. No volunteer has yet evaluated it. Some volunteer will volunteer to process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. Please be patient.


Oct 14, 2008
Hi, Jim

Don't thank me, I saw other urls removed, and as I still have a head I deliberately omitted those, and you're right, discussion here should be as abstract as possible, a kind of one-size-fits-all.

Well, coming back to the point, I looked at the faq (thanks) and the only remote thing I can find that has some similarity to what is described down there is we having 301's to redirect similar names, such as this non-existing example site<dot>ext and thesite<dot>ext or site<dot>ext1 and site<dot>ext2. The additional domains are not simply parked on top of the main domain. But one of the listed sites has those as well.

Once I volunteered to the category where I wanted to put our main site into, and I was told I had no capacity for the task (of course I sent my correspondent to the career section of my website to clear his doubts, but he never replied :rolleyes: ). So that didn't work either, and it was ages (years) ago, so the no-time-for seems not applicable, or is it?

By the way, and quoting the faq:

"Contact pages can provide clues as to the URL of the "original site". For example if two similar sites have the same phone numbers, addresses, or e-mail it should send up a red flag that one or both may be affiliate sites with the same information."

This does not seem to be a clean indication of a problem...all my sites bear my name and contacts, who is submitting the sites and registering domains? Me, of course, not people involved in practical activities such as stray dog protection... they often don't know anything about sites, but they can help the society in many other ways.


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