The Proverbial Bottle Neck


New Member
Feb 28, 2011
It is has been over two years that I have waited for submission of my site to find it’s way to annals of the Open Directory Project. It is not my intention to malign or impugn anyone’s reputation or intentions as I am sure Open Directory Editors have their work cut out for them. I have been a photographer for over three decades and have worked along with biologists, ecologists and tree huggers that span the globe. In the last two years I have tried to bring my work to a broader audience via the World Wide Web however thus far this seems to be to little or no avail. I can understand how some have become frustrated over the time for inclusion, as I am guilty of the same myself. As a matter of fact I signed up to be an editor and never heard a word.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
There must be 3-400 million websites that we haven't yet evaluated (of which perhaps 100 million are listable). This is hardly surprising really because there are only around 5000 of us working in our spare time. That a website has been suggested to us doesn't necessarily give it priority over those that haven't. Some categories attract so much spam that it's more productive to ignore the suggestion pool and go find our own candidates.

<added> I forgot to mention that our objective is to build a useful directory, not to provide a service to website owners. Our 'customers' are our surfers and downstream data users. </added>


New Member
Feb 28, 2011
There must be 3-400 million websites that we haven't yet evaluated (of which perhaps 100 million are listable). This is hardly surprising really because there are only around 5000 of us working in our spare time. That a website has been suggested to us doesn't necessarily give it priority over those that haven't. Some categories attract so much spam that it's more productive to ignore the suggestion pool and go find our own candidates.

<added> I forgot to mention that our objective is to build a useful directory, not to provide a service to website owners. Our 'customers' are our surfers and downstream data users. </added>
I do realize the objective of ODP and the amount of submissions can be quite staggering. Keep in mind I have put my money where my mouth is by volunteering my time and effort as an editor. We are all only human with frailties and strengths all our own. My intention is not to bite the hand that feeds however it is difficult to not to make assumptions when that hand that does not accept help when offered. I trust that you might be able to see both sides if the coin, if not you shall remain in my prayers. : )
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