The Same Old Question- How and When? What to Expect?


Mar 6, 2006
I removed my own post. I found others in the same situation that received careless and sarcastic replies.

I guess after my year and 2 submissions, I need to just "forget about dmoz" as we should just "get on with our lives."


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, WE don't need anything. Absolutely.

You say YOU need something -- website promotion services. That may well be true. Many many sites offer such services. is not one of them. And, frankly, there is enough work remaining to do on the ODP mission, that we're likely to let anyone else do what they can do just as well (such as website promotion services).

Any organization that prizes efficiency, will not automate anything without trying a pilot project. For your proposal, we DID a (manual) pilot project in this forum. The results are archived in the "submittal status" forum. The results were, um, negative (if I may be permitted a small understatement.)

But you seem not to have noticed that your proposal doesn't address your question. You'd have been really disappointed if we'd gone to all that work, only to discover that we still couldn't know anything more about what you were really interested: we still wouldn't know whether something might happen, let alone when!

What you REALLY need to know is -- what you need to do next. And THAT'S simple. Assume you'll never get an ODP listing, and take the steps to promote your own site with your own resources to the necessary extent.

If the ODP listing never comes, you'll have done the best thing. And ... if the ODP listing DOES appear, you'll STILL have done the best thing for your site.

In other words, the information YOU'RE asking for is of no practical use whatsoever. You already know what you need to do! And you know when you need to do it--that is, now!


Jan 23, 2003
I guess after my year and 2 submissions, I need to just "forget about dmoz" as we should just "get on with our lives."

We could not have said it any better.

You are 100% correct.
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