The Search For DMOZ


Curlie Meta
Sep 25, 2007
Yesterday the internet was all a flutter with reports and wide ranging theories as to why searches for "DMOZ" in Google were not returning the usual results. If you happened to miss those, I've included a couple of examples that can be found here, here, here and here.

While these made for great headlines and no shortage of comments and link backs...they were 100% off the mark.

Truth is, this is just one of those things that happens from time to time in the world of search.

We made some significant upgrades to our back-end systems to improve the stability of DMOZ. One of those changes required changing the root domain from to What we all witnessed yesterday and what was reported by the great sites above was part of an index recognizing, adjusting and updating in real time. This was confirmed in discussions we had with Google and everything should be running smoothly now.

So go ahead and try a query for DMOZ. And if you don't see our site, clear your browser cache and try again.

Here is a screen grab taken 5 minutes ago.


You can also give it a shot in the search box above ( click the web link & enter query ).

DMOZ is not dying folks. We're growing every day. Globally.

Feel free to use that sound bite from now on in your future posts : )
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