The ultimate contradiction


Mar 15, 2004
From brmehlman, Meta Administrator:
"If any of the sites you mentioned in your previous post have content which is duplicated in another dmoz listed site, please be so kind as to identify them in the appropriate thread."


The above statement by brmehlman, a META ADMINISTRATOR who knows ODP guidelines inside-and-out, completely contradicts the statements by editors in my previous threads who seem to be denying me because of a 2-year-old grudge. As I've stated repeatedly, I am NOT the same person who broke rules 2 years ago. That employee is no longer associated with my company, and I now handle all B2B matters myself. To the best of my knowledge, I have admitted the infractions of my former employee, and I have also offered my sincerest apologies for whatever else he may have done. My site has already been punished for 2 years. Please do not continue to punish ME for the act of a former employee 2 years ago. :(

brmehlman agrees with me--for a site to be disallowed or removed from DMOZ, the content must be duplicated in another DMOZ-listed site. That is NOT the case with my site! That is what I've been stating all along, and that is exactly what your guidelines ( communicate:

"Do not submit URLs that contain only the same or similar content as other sites YOU MAY HAVE LISTED IN THE DIRECTORY."

No site--currently listed in DMOZ--offers my vast selection of papers. You have already admitted that I have quality, well-written Web pages. So why not add my site to the category? My site is also the most authorative/informative in the industry, let alone the category, as evidenced by the following pages:

To deny that I am correct is just silly. The only thing you will accomplish by not adding my site to the category is to prevent DMOZ surfers from having access to the ONLY site--listed in DMOZ--that offers my 30,000+ papers.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Your previous threads have been closed for a good reason.
Please read this ATTENTION - Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING again.
If your site has been rejected, please keep in mind that arguing about the editorial decision will not be tolerated. Please note that at the bottom of the "add URL" screen it says "Netscape and the ODP have unfettered editorial discretion to determine the structure and content of the directory" and "a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time"


Nov 6, 2002
There is a concept that engineers call "hysteresis". If you design a circuit to produce an output if and only if the input exceeds two volts, then an input of exactly two volts results in the output flipping on and off randomly. The problem is solved by redesigning the circuit to start producing the output when the input exceeds three volts, and to stop if the input drops below one volt. Thus is stability achieved.

We apply this concept. The requirements for a listed site to remain listed are less stringent than the requirements for an unlisted site to become listed. This prevents us from having to spend all of our time repeatedly listing and unlisting sites on the borderline.

Please read carefully the quote in the post above, and please don't start any new threads arguing about this site.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.