
Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Certainly, but we need to know where you submitted the site. Please read the Forum Guidelines and provide us with a clickable link to the category you submitted to. Thanks!

Alison Baron

Jun 16, 2004
Dear nea

Thank you very much for replying.

I have looked through the categories and I remember registering in Holistic and Integrated Medicine, but my site is not there and I have also done a general search which didn't bring it up. I did get an activation ID no. which is 52781733, but I have obviously messed up somewhere along the way.

Should I try the registration procedure again please? I didn't actually realise that once I had registered that my site would be listed on the ODP. I thought this would only happen when it was approved.

Thank you for your help.

Best Wishes

Alison Baron


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Oh, there's so much confusion here I don't know where to begin. Maybe it's best to review the whole process.

Let's suppose that you know of some site that's not in the directory. You find the most appropriate category, and click the "Suggest URL" (formerly called "Submit URL") button. You tell it the URL, and suggest a title and description for it. [I suppose that's what you mean by "registration", but we'd never use that term, because it is in no respect similar to any "registration" process you'll meet anywhere else in your life.)

The site you suggested goes into a pool of sites that various people (editors and others) thought might be good to list there. Nothing visible to anyone else happens ...

EXCEPT ... some time later (nobody can tell how long) when some editor decides to build THAT category, those sites are waiting there; the editor may review them, or may look for other sites, or both. And the editor may add one or more sites. NOW the updated page including those new changes will be visible to other people and search engine spiders.

There's a point to all this. Unless you can tell us which category you suggested the site to, your "site suggestion" isn't visible even to us! It will only appear when an editor happens to skip all the other half-million categories and go in to edit that one.

So that's where we are. We can't really check to see if the suggestion is still waiting for review, unless we know where to check.

If you're sure you suggested the site, then there's no need to do anything else. If you're not sure, then you can suggest it again. This time, remember the category! And then, a month or more after the latest submittal of that site, we'll be happy to check to make sure it's waiting review. Just bump this thread, and give us the information we need.

Alison Baron

Jun 16, 2004
Dear Hutcheson

Thank you very much for your very helpful reply. I have resubmitted my site and kept a copy of the category.

Best Wishes

Alison Baron

Alison Baron

Jun 16, 2004
Sorry, I don't seem to be doing very well. I resubmitted my site on 13 Aug under Health: Alternative: Energy Healing: Practitioners, but I have checked dmoz and my site is not there. Grateful for any help please.

Alison Baron


Apr 8, 2004
Alison, I am afraid you still do not quite understand the nature of ODP. It is a human edited directory which accepts submissions or suggestions. However, that is only the beginning. In order for it to actually be listed, it has to be reviewed by one of the volunteer editors who has editing rights in that area of the directory. The time for this to happen can range anywhere from two minutes to over two years. When 30 days have past from the time that you last suggested the site, you may asked again in this thread for a status check. Once you receive the initial status check, then secondary status updates must be 6 months apart. This is to allow the volunteer editors more time to edit with less time devoted to giving the status checks in this forum. I hope this helps, if not then maybe it will help if you spend a little time here:

Alison Baron

Jun 16, 2004
Dear Dogbows

I misunderstood one of the editor's answers when they said to attach the link - it made me think that any sites I saw listed were sites waiting to be approved. However, I believe I am there now with your added explanation. I know which section I have applied to be under, so I will just wait out the month now.

I have read the resource zone section and it was very helpful.

Thank you very much.

Best Wishes

Alison Baron

Alison Baron

Jun 16, 2004
Site Submission Status of

I resubmitted my site on 13 August as directed in this thread of e-mails. My entry went under Health: Alternative: Energy Healing: Practitioners. Please can I have an update on what is happening with it?

Thank you.

Alison Baron
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