Jan 18, 2005
I just have one simple question; I submitted our site - 4-5 months ago and do not see it listed in the directory. Can you tell me why?

It was placed in the Business section - real estate - commercial...

Thank you



Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
You can read:

Forum FAQ or the DMOZ Help Central-Submitting Your Site section for more information.

You also will need to read the Posting Guidelines and properly format a status request in this thread so some one can look for you.

It was placed in the Business section - real estate - commercial...

Actually it would have been suggested to a Business category, not placed. Only a volunteer editor can list a site in the directory, and only after it has recieved an individual review to see if it meets the listing guidelines.

With out looking at the site and just making a generalization, there are any number of reasons that your site would not be listed yet. Keep in mind (again just a general comment-not directed at any site or submission) that not all suggested sites are accepted. Also 4-5 months is not a long time in the submission pool. Site reviews can take any where from a couple of days to several years depending on the category.

My advice is to request the status and see what that tells you and go forward from there.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.