things I can do...



Hi all,
It's been nearly 6 months since I first attempted to add my url, and great respect goes to WindHarp for explaining that it is still pending an editor to check that category. After such a long amount of time it kind of makes me feel like the category I submitted to has been forgotten about.
With that in mind, is there any way I can remind the editors about my waiting site, or is it already added to an actual "to do" list that is so long it's taken 6 months to get this far?


Aug 7, 2003
There is nothing to do really. Keep using your Submission Status thread to 'remind' editors, so-to-speak. Just be sure to wait at least one month between status checks.

If you have an interest in the category, why not apply to become an editor? :)


Jan 23, 2003
I also would like to give you a bit of perspective. In the grand scheme of things, six months is not a very long wait. Just last night I worked in a category that had a bunch of submissions that were more than two years in the waiting.

Once you have suggested your URL to an appropraite category, there is really nothing else that you can do but wait. Yet, the waiting does not have to be unproductive. Use the time you are waiting to add unique content to your site (since unique content is the best way to influence the reviewing editor).

While you are welcome to check on the status no more than once a month, doing so has absolutely, positively no impact on the time it takes to get your suggested URL reviewed.

The use of this fora is not a short cut to getting a site considered for the ODP diretory.

Hope this helps.


Keep using your Submission Status thread to 'remind' editors, so-to-speak.
While you are welcome to check on the status no more than once a month, doing so has absolutely, positively no impact on the time it takes to get your suggested URL reviewed.
Hmm, an interesting difference in opinion. I've asked for progress once before and I've read the result, so I don't think I'll need to ask it again, unless it can be proved that it will encourage an editor to review it.

If you have an interest in the category, why not apply to become an editor?
I thought about that, but I remember reading that I shouldn't become an editor just so I can list my site. I'm not sure if I'd have the time to edit many entries so I doubt that would be fair...though it is tempting, along with offering a bribe. Haha!!!


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
so I don't think I'll need to ask it again, unless it can be proved that it will encourage an editor to review it.
I thought that, too. But people are constantly worrying about their entries. In my oppinion only spammers have to worry, a good site with loads of real, unique content will be listed eventually.


Aug 7, 2003
668 there any way I can remind the editors about my waiting site?

The question was simply stated. The reply was never one of a suggestion that editors will 'hurry along' a review due to inquiries here. I am sorry if anyone mis-interpreted it. :crazy:


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Not funny.

brmehlman has a point. Bribery is taken very seriously. Sites that have offered bribes to editors in the past have had all of their listings removed and future submissions blocked. Editors who accept bribes are also dealt with seriously.

I seriously hope you were joking there.
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