This category could use some help


Oct 20, 2007
This Category could use some Expansion

I should first disclose that I've got a Scion parts shop... With that out of the way, the category that I'm addressing in this post is:


When it comes to shopping for parts for Japanese cars, the results are pretty limited. While there are subcategories for Honda, Mazda, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota, and Mitsubishi; there aren't specific categories for Acura, Lexus, Scion, Infinity, etc.

I suggest that the subcategories be added. They could be underneath their respective parent companies (e.g. Acura could be under Honda), or they could stand on their own.

As an example, while many Honda parts stores may also carry parts for Acura, there are several stores that cater specifically to Acura. Since this category states not the list a site name, I suggest that someone were to look up "aftermarket scion parts" and what you'll find is a mix of shops, some general, some Japanese only, some Honda only, and some specific Acura shops.

That being said, an Acura owner would find an Acura parts shop list very helpful since the search engines don't do a good job of separating sites that "dabble" in Acura parts from sites that specialize in them.

Likewise, the same can be said for Infinity, Lexus, and Scion. Since these different brands each have a strong following of community sites, and informational sites with a dedicated following who holds strong brand affinity, it only makes sense that there would be dedicated categories in the Open Directory Project.

I appreciate what you guys do and the time you put in. Please, at least, consider this request and/or provide some feedback on whether I'm going about this the right way (by providing a post in this forum).
Best Regards,
Brian Cosgrove


Oct 29, 2006
there aren't specific categories for Acura, Lexus, Scion, Infinity, etc.
Specific categories are created for the manufacturers where there are multiple sites (ie we wouldn't create a sub category for a single site)
As I understand it Acura is a Honda product, Lexus and Scion are Toyota products, so those would first sort into Honda and Toyota respectivly. If the Toyota sub category had several sites that specialised in parts for Lexus for example, a Lexus sub cat might be created within the Toyota sub cat.

That's my take, but I must admit I'm not an editor for that section.


Oct 20, 2007
Gimmster, thanks for the response.
There are, infact, multiple sites for each of those car brands. They're easily identified by looking through lists on forums specific to those cars or by digging a bit with search engine queries.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
If you want to encourage an editor to consider creating subcategories, the best thing you can do is actually go to the appropriate higher level category (e.g. the Honda one for Scion parts sellers) and suggest all of the sites that you think should be there. It'll help if you take the time to craft appropriate titles and descriptions (per the existing entries). It could take time, though, before an existing editor chooses to edit in that section and even more time before they decide that a subcategory is warranted.

Alternately, you could apply to become an editor for one of the manufacturer categories yourself -- having a site of your own isn't a detriment as long as you are honest and upfront about it and interested in doing more than just listing your site. If you are accepted, then you could work with other editors to ensure that subcategories are created where appropriate. :D
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