Threatened by ODP Editor?


Dec 27, 2005
When an Editor attacks?

In an earlier post, Hutcheson comments:
"Since an ODP listing is based on a website review, webmaster personality really can't affect it. And even if you study to offend all the editors within reach, you can't be guaranteed that (1) one of the editors within reach will be the editor that reviews the site, and (2) the editor would remember which of thousands of rude posts (if any!) were related to the site. In fact, the odds are strongly against it."

So, what is a site owner/webmaster's recourse if an editor does take action against you personally instead of just evaluating an individual site. Recently a higher level editor removed every site affilliated to me in any way, including sites that were added years ago (by many different editors over those years), and sites that are just on my server that are owned by family, because of a disagreement he had with the webmaster of my sites who had been a lower level editor. Yet as far as I can see the editor can just do what he wants dishing out vengeance in a heavy handed and enormously broad scope.

So, how does DMOZ protect its mission and focus on sites and not persecute people?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You might check out the "submittal policy" again. It explains under what circumstances exactly that action might be taken. Since you seem to have had multiple sites affiliated with you, it is very likely (approaching certainty) that the circumstances apply.

That IS the DMOZ way of protecting its mission.


Dec 27, 2005
I understand your response, but it feels reflexive, when I am trying to open a dialogue.

Although some of my sites had a few listings, it is because they have depth and many were added over the years by various editors of their own accord, not because of inclusion requests. The sites also cover a broad scope of topics, because in additon to my sites they are the sites of several people who I provide hosting for. One is even the site of a national charity that I provide free hosting for because I am on their board.

I understand that the user agreement gives broad lattitude to the editor, and I am not saying the editor can't do it (it is obvious he can).

I am inquiring about recourse for an over-reaching response against a person that effected many people and sites that over time your editors have wanted in the directory.

Thank You


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Why have you created a new identity for this thread deezin? All that does is add a layer of smoke and mirrors.

If you insist upon continuing it, please use your existing account.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Obviously, I can't speak to the specifics, because I don't know what sites were involved. But ... don't approach the issue from the standpoint of the WEBMASTER "people" involved, or the sites involved. Because they simply do not matter -- it is not just that the editors don't care, it is the editors' RESPONSIBILITY to NOT act on concerns of that kind.

The only issue that we could properly address is the SURFER "people" involved -- are they being denied access to valuable information? (because that matters a great deal!) So: what you could do is file an "abuse report" (which might be better described as "quality control feedback" -- there is no need to assume abuse is involved -- it could even have been a technical issue as simple as your server blocking the ODP dead link checker! and whether a mistake is deliberate or accidental doesn't matter when you're trying to correct it.)

There generally isn't and won't be a "dialogue" -- if in the investigator's opinion, it turns out to be our problem, we can just fix it (on our schedule, which may not be as quickly as you'd want or expect, of course). If (in the investigator's opinion) it turns out to be your technical problem, ... we don't have a mechanism for dealing with that, because it's so rare. A resubmittal after you've figured out what it was, generally makes all clean. If (again in the investigator's opinion) it turns out to be your behavior (which is the most common case, but I'm not assuming it's the case here: technical issues sounds plausible, now that I've mentioned them) ... then, in that case our mechanism is to NOT discuss it further -- "no conferences on the Plain of Ono" might as well be the slogan.


May 9, 2007
I can't post the thread link because another editor removed some of the thread which I agree was probably approptiate. How often do people submitting sites get threatened by ODP Editors because other members don't agree with what the editor writes, and refuses to debate with the editor? I feel that this individual has had a severe power trip and is using his position for far more than it was ever intended because I in no way was being ignorant by refusing to take issue with what this editor wrote.

I think this is a very valid question.


May 9, 2007
Not so sure I agree

I can't agree with what has been said here. I was openly threatened by an ODP editor, who didn't agree with something I said. He told me specifically, that if I remained ignorant that it was possible he would review my submission. The thread was removed, but the damage was already done.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Threatened to review your submission? I thought that was what you wanted :) .

Despite the various conspiracy theories floating around, editors work to publicly available guidelines and have to provide good reasons for declining to list or delisting a website. Those discovered breaking the rules are educated. Those discovered deliberately abusing the directory are removed.

Now a question from me.

Why have you ignored our submission guidelines (which require you to select the one best category) and suggested your website five times to four different categories over the last couple of months? It means that it will need to be handled four times instead of just the once. Now that is directory abuse. I urge you to make no further listing suggestions.


May 9, 2007
Yes threatened


I appreciate your humor; however, you know exactly what thread I am talking about, you removed the posts. I was threatened for a comment I made about a statement another editor made. I will admit, I could have left off the comment I made regarding opinions, but as an adult I would think that does not make me ignorant. I was agreeing to disagree and thought I was making it perfectly clear that I felt the editors comments had nothing to add to the topic. Like you said the question was answered and the only thing this editors comments did was fuel the notion that it's not a time issue for your site submission, but who you know, or who you are buddies with.

I won't repeat the post; you read it and unfortunately so did I. I have opened an abuse report.

That editor’s comment insinuated that my site may be rejected because this editor often edits my part of the directory, that is abuse.

I won't post any more about this subject, but it really has rubbed me the wrong way about the dmoz odp


May 9, 2007


The first line of your post to me was humorous, that's why you put a smiley face in front of it. If it wasn't meant that way, then I would wonder why you would put a smiley face on it. Regardless, it's symantics.

What is your point with the comment? If you too are going to attack me because you don't agree with me than my comments are valid, it's not about the site, it's about who you know or who you are buddies with.

How is that an OPEN directory?

I'll answer your question but I have to run my daughter to school, she has a field trip today and I have to get her there at 8:00am.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
If you have a complaint about an editor abusing his position in any way, please file an abuse report using the official interface at . Regarding the "amount" of such issues I can only say that among the numerous abuse reports I processed, there was not one such issue.


May 9, 2007
Response to Jims question

Why have you ignored our submission guidelines (which require you to select the one best category) and suggested your website five times to four different categories over the last couple of months? It means that it will need to be handled four times instead of just the once. Now that is directory abuse. I urge you to make no further listing suggestions.

I can honestly say this was a mistake on my part. When I started to promote my wife's site back in January I went out all guns blazing. I couldn't understand why the dmoz odp submission process was so different. As I stated in my first post I was expecting to receive some kind of confirmation email because from my past experience that was what happened with most all of the other directories I submitted to work. When I received nothing, I thought I must have done something wrong. I went over my emails and found nothing. So I went back again. After a couple of months I figured I must still be doing something wrong so I went back and read the submission guidelines again and resubmitted again. Granted, I should have done this the very first time.

I apologize for entering all of these submissions. I have worked in the support industry for over fifteen years so believe me when I say that I understand how frustrating it is sometimes dealing with your support base. On my behalf it was an honest mistake and not intentional. I can truley appreciate the work you guys do.


May 9, 2007
reply to windharp

windharp said:
If you have a complaint about an editor abusing his position in any way, please file an abuse report using the official interface at . Regarding the "amount" of such issues I can only say that among the numerous abuse reports I processed, there was not one such issue.

Thank you windharp, I have already done this and if Jim Noble is an honest man which I suspect he is, he can support my statements. He removed the threatening post and some other pithy comments in the thread. All I said was that I didn't feel the editors comments added anything to the topic that was posted, but he was entitled to his opinion. He got angry because I commented that 'you know what they say about opinions' As an adult, I can say I probably should have left that off, but I usually respond accordingly if provoked. The editor came back, after editing his own post 4 times with something like 'If you continue to choose to be ignorant know that I frequently review post in that area of the directory' The insiuation was very clear to me.

Anyway, I'm over it. There are a lot more important things in life to deal with. If I offended the editor, please accept my apologies.


Nov 7, 2006
If we can recover those deleted posts, every accusation you've made here will be shown as being blatently false, :D .

However, that's why we have an abuse form, and you're certainly most welcome to use it.


May 9, 2007
once again an opinion has been given

Crowbar at this point I would defer to my last statement that was removed. I have no reason to mislead anyone, I have nothing to loose and nothing to gain.
I call a spade a spade, you sir are a blatant LIAR.

Your POST was removed SO FAST that the vbulletin system didn't even get chance to email me your reply or I would have the posts myself.


Nov 7, 2006
Here are a few things you might find useful:

Strangely similar to some of the things I said in the posts you objected to.

As far as my statement about editing in Florida, along with many other editors, I also edit in 49 other states, and my point was that eventually an editor would find your site suggestion and review it, which was the reason you posted, so, it was on topic.

Under the circumstances, though, I will refrain from editing in Florida for now, I have lots of other places I can spend my time, but even if I did, my job is to be impartial in my editing, nothing that gets said in this forum affects the status of any site suggestion, one way or another.


May 9, 2007
Better things to do

This is my last post to you crowbar; there is no point to this bantering. Nothing will be solved. Nothing is going to change. It's very convenient that the posts where removed before I received them in email and if I had the knowledge I now possess I would have print screened and captured the image.

You’re going to continue to say that you didn't say what I say you did. So let's just part our ways agreeing to disagree.
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