TicketLeap.com reviewed yet?



Hey, I posted a similar message in the "submissions" forum. Sorry about this.

Has http://www.ticketleap.com been reviewed for category - Shopping: Entertainment: Tickets ??

I mistakenly submitted the site a few months ago when all we had was a splash page. The site is now up and running and of great use to the visitors in this category.

Thanks for your help!


Aug 24, 2003
Responding to both of your posts (other thread here)...

There are currently problems with the site submission form. They have been reported to the ODP staff, and all we can do is be patient.

As far as checking on your status, can you please give us a clickable category link? (See the forum guidelines)


Aug 24, 2003
I fixed the link. Hehe. We hope they're easy enough to find. :p

There's a submission waiting for review from August. The site doesn't appear to have been reivewed by any editors yet.

It looks like there's another submission that got stuck in an inbound filter because of a problem detecting your IP address. Please don't resubmit again -- we've got one submission, and it'll be reviewed eventually.

Feel free to check back in a couple months if you like.


Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate the work you all are putting into this....especially considering that it is done for free.

I have one minor comment.

On the site submission info page, http://dmoz.org/add.html, it states "Depending on factors such as the volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more before your submission is reviewed".

Based on the different posts I have seen here, it probably takes closer to several months. It would be good if you guys changed this info.

I am not trying to be a critic (I understand how much stuff you guys must get), I just think it would be better to have more accurate info on that page that way you won't have so many people in this forum trying to find out what's going on.

Anyway, thanks for everything.

- Chris

I have a few pet categories where most sites get reviewed in a few days. A few weeks or more is not a lie.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Based on the different posts I have seen here, it probably takes closer to several months. It would be good if you guys changed this info.
You only see questions about sites waiting for a long time. But there are a lot of sites that will be listed within a few days or weeks, sometimes even within minutes, ofcourse you won't see questions about these sites here.


Apr 15, 2003
It's been discussed, but changing it to a few months, is not great either. For categories I have edited for a while, and are "up to date" most sites will be edited and added in a day, and in some cases within minutes. For categories I've just started working through, there may be sites that have been there for some time, and new sites that are suggested will generally be waiting until the other sites have been processed, so there "a few months" is probably correct.
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