Time expected to stabalise DMOZ server?


Feb 24, 2003
DMOZ being the most important directory on the internet, its server should not be down for long.

Its more than 4 months now and people are being affected badly while DMOZ server is down. As we all know all the major search engines and directories are taking data from DMOZ. So, if the server is down, it is quite possible that our website looses ranking over these search engines or even gets dropped from their index.

So, how much time do you expect would likely to be needed to stabalize DMOZ server situation - DMOZ search, category updates, site submission process etc?


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
A quick summary of what works and what doesn't:
  • Editor server - working fine. Editors can log in and edit
  • Editor forums - Generally okay bar a few minor bugs.
  • RDF generation - fine. New data is being generated at the moment
  • Public Side - Not working. Will be updated at some point
  • Search - no idea, but its index is only a week or two old
  • Site submission - fine as far as I can see
  • Editor applications - not working. Will be fixed soon [/list:u]So there's only 3 things that aren't quite working. As for the downtime, all I can say is be patient and stop complaining. It annoys us as much as it annoys you.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
As we all know all the major search engines and directories are taking data from DMOZ. So, if the server is down, it is quite possible that our website looses ranking over these search engines or even gets dropped from their index.

As Neil said, the RDF generation is working fine, and as it is generated from the most current version of the data base (i e not the one visible in the public directory) any downstream users of our data such as Google will get the updated version rather than the outdated one. If they don't get a new RDF file their data will get old, but that's completely outside our control.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>So, if the server is down, it is quite possible that our website looses ranking over these search engines or even gets dropped from their index.

Obviously, ODP editors would like to see all mirrors of the Open Directory remain current to the moment. That has, of course, never happened. Well, we'd like them all to be more current than they are: the more out of date they are, the harder it is for people to help us (by suggesting new sites to appropriate categories, or reporting listings that are no longer valid.) So we are interested. But we have no responsibility or control, so we aren't going to worry.

As for the page rank in any search engine of any site listed or not listed in the Open Directory: we take no responsibility whatsoever, and have no concern whatsoever.

As for the server being down, it, um, isn't. So that's settled.


The quick summary of what's working is really helpful, expecially the fact that RDF generation is working fine. This might set many people's minds at rest (it is certainly helpful for me) and might be worth posting as an announcement??
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