Time Sensitive Vernacular


Jun 15, 2004

I recall reading somewhere in the submission guidlines for Directory Mozilla, that there should be no use of words like "currently", "presently", or something to that effect, that dates material. I couldn't find what I thought I'd read back at dmoz.org, and am now wondering if this is a fact or a figment of my imagination.

My concern is that I have a site pending and, on my homepage, http://www.goldbrickersgifts.com/, I have a small box that lists the "latest arrivals" and was unsure if my tme sensitive vernacular would in any way be an obstacle to my site being listed. To be on the safe side, I placed dates after each paragraph to show when the time sensitive posts were made, but I would still appreciate it if someone could explain the issue to me further, or if it wasn't even an issue in the first place, let me know.

Thank you,



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I don't believe it's an issue.

You are presumably intending to shift entries out of the the box when they are no longer new or when you've sold them all so there's no danger that an editor will click on a link to find there are none left.

With my surfer's hat on, I like to see dates on such items. They lend an air of credibility and let me judge how stale the site is :) .

Bottom line - design your site how you think it should be. If it has unique and useful content there shouldn't be a problem - unless you make it horrendously user hostile of course :D .


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Don't confuse what our GUIDELINES say EDITORS should say about a site, and what content the site may have. A "normal" real-person-or-business non-doorway-spam site will be regularly changing and growing, and that's expected. But we have to write our descriptions so they're still valid and useful when Google picks them up in nine months (and when Google still hasn't picked up the rewritten version in 20 months).

So our description of the LA Times site shouldn't describe what headlines are on it -- today. And our description of a personal site shouldn't mention how often the person claims to update it -- this month. But you can (and most sites ought to!) have a "what's new" page. That's not a bad thing, that is a help for editors and other surfers.
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