Title mistake and spelling error in decription


Aug 27, 2005

Sorry to nag here, but my site <url deleted> has had the wrong title. I have emailed the site change form, but had no response.

I know everyone is really busy, but it´s a big thing to me. I am anxious that Google directory has me as the correct title.

My site title has been incorrectly named as my corporation name <deleted> which is somewhere on the site (not easy to find though) although my business name is <deleted>.

In Mexico foreigners are not allowed to own businesses or land etc, so we have to set up a corporation and then the corporation owns the businesses and land etc.

I have three businesses that are owned by my corporation <deleted>.

There are many businesses listed in dmoz that are in Mexico that are owned by corporations of different names (is this getting boring LOL) than their listings name. I suppose it´s a bit like "Nestle" the swiss corporation that makes milk related drinks. If they brought out a new product called "milky bars" (Yes I know they exist) would they have to list it as "Nestle" on DMOZ? They would then have about 3000 sites all with the same name but different products ... very confusing.

In other words please change the title to <deleted> and I will stop boring us all. My for sale signs all have <deleted> not <deleted>. My paper work also has <deleted> on it.




BTW there is also a spelling error in the description ... Thanks to all the editors, I tried to make this a little light hearted as I do appreciate the hard work.

<redacted to remove inappropriate details>


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This is not the way to suggest listing changes -- it is much much less efficient than the "update URL" link. Do the "update URL" thing, and an editor will review it. There won't be a response, though -- just like any other suggestion, someone will look at it and take what they think is the most appropriate action (or non-action).

As for a product-line-specific site for a candy bar, generally we wouldn't list it at all, so the question of HOW to list it wouldn't arise. We list the websites of "corporations", but even that is perhaps too inclusive a description (I recall the spammeister boasting that he had fifty-seven "corporations" (but in fact each one consisted of an affiliate-spam doorway page).

As to the more basic question, the ODP really isn't about pieces of paper in legal filings -- it's about people. Who are you and what would you do for money, and what is the one website that describes that? (It can link to pages on your other domains, if necessary.) And the fact is, the real estate industry attracts a lot of, um, persons in whom self-promotion excites no corresponding sense of shame. So our rules are really really really strict on exactly what a real estate site listing must be. And from what you say, it sounds like the ODP listing is correct, and your proposal would not be.

Google is a non-issue for us -- we are specifically required to work to the directory standards without consideration of what ANY downstream licensee is doing with it (today). As you know, Google is always tweaking their algorithms -- ODP listings may remain static for years; and it's obvious we can't rewrite four million listings everytime they tweak. So, to be fair, we don't do any of them for that reason ever.


Nov 6, 2002
I'd like to add one small suggestion to that excellent advice.

If you find both a spelling error and a disagreement with our policy concerning titles, it is likely to be in your best interest to submit an update request for the spelling error alone. Doing so will remove the risk that an editor might reject the request without noticing the part of it that we would accept routinely.
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