Told that i will never be listed (unjust)


Oct 6, 2004
We have tried to be submitted to DMOZ,

But we are told we will never be listed as we do not have unique content,

I have searched all the similiar website on DMOZ that sell the same products as ours and there are many on there that do not have unique content and have the same layout website as us,

Also they have listings under different website names when they are basically the same company, mmmm

And not to forget, they mention discounts and savings that do not even come close to ours,

They state "Crazy lenses $35" but fail to mention that the $35 is just for one lens,

We sell our Crazy lenses in pairs from $15 cheaper than just one lens from these companies,

We offer a World-wide shipping service, prices that nobody has matched in the world, and we are our own company with no other websites and not joined to anyone else,

Seems really strange how we can be dropped at a glance, with no explanation or suggestions on what would help, when we do offer great discounts and our own images, hardly any website offer pictures with the actual lenses being worn like we do in our 60 day wear lenses,

Any helpful advise will be welcomed, as i feel there is something i am missing here, like a secret hand shake or something ?

We have had over 10,000 orders this year, and nearly every customer has sent an e-mail to say that they are amazed by the low prices, and fast world-wide service, they just cannot beleive their luck when they find us,

as other website offer our products with the same prices as each other, but not ours, and limited shipping areas, and lack photos with the lenses being worn,

we are

Thank you


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you know of other sites that are listed incorrectly (by the guidelines as explained), we'll be happy to remove them. We make mistakes, but we try to correct them.


Jun 13, 2004
samantha1 said:
We have tried to be submitted to DMOZ, But we are told we will never be listed as we do not have unique content,
It seems that you have a very nice business, with happy customers.

Why does it even matter whether are listed in DMOZ?


Aug 2, 2002
Personal opinion - a DMOZ listing is no substitute for good original content. If you have good original content you will attract visitors regardless of a DMOZ listing. From time to time webmasters and editors will disagree as to what constitutes good original content. When it comes to a DMOZ listing, editors win every time, that's how it works. There are plenty of sites that analyse shopping sites and give consumers details of the best prices on goods but DMOZ isn't in that game. Other sites, such as eBay, rate shops based on service levels. Again not our game. If a site doesn't have good original content (in an editor's opinion) but nevertheless may offer the consumer something they want, such as pricing variations, you will probably find that other methods of promoting the site will be by far the most effective and a far more productive use of energies! Good luck with the site and the business, you must be doing something right to get 10,000 orders!


Oct 6, 2004
ok no problem

The only thing i am doing right is paying to get noticed (could have brought a porsche for what it has cost this year),

i totally understand what you have said, works a bit like the UK music top 40, hand picked (not really the peoples choice)

its a corporate thing, this website must need big funding and key players

i will just walk back to my little hole on the web, chin up and carry on (bet the PPC companies love this site when you reject people that want to make a living)


Jan 23, 2003
its a corporate thing, this website must need big funding and key players

You are sadly mistaken.

bet the PPC companies love this site when you reject people that want to make a living

We do not care what the PPC companes think or do, it is not part of the process we follow when evaluating a website. Neither do we consider if someone is trying to make a living off of a given website.

We do care, tremendously, about unique content that is honestly and openly provided. If, as you admit, your site lacks any unique content, then we wish you well, but there is nothing that we can do for you in the context of this directory.

If you PM me, I will gladly pass along a list (from another source) of directories that accept individual submissions -- perhaps one or more of them will be of value to you.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We're not competing with PPC sites either. If you think the ODP is neglecting a business opportunity, consider it our free gift to you: and make the most of it.


Nov 23, 2004
The Open Directory was founded in the spirit of the Open Source movement, and is the only major directory that is 100% free. There is not, nor will there ever be, a cost to submit a site to the directory, and/or to use the directory's data. The Open Directory data is made available for free to anyone who agrees to comply with our free use license.

Was, is, and will be.


Aug 2, 2002
when you reject people that want to make a living
This is a fundamental error many people make, aside from it not being a listing consideration. Once again personal opinion - a DMOZ listing is not a route to wealth via the Internet. Not even close. It is doubtful whether a listing would give you one single order more than you already get. The reason I know that is that you look at some of the complaints about DMOZ in webmaster forums and you always get someone who complains we are not listing their site, that gets more traffic than any other, has a Google Page Rank of 1, etc. They achieved all that without a DMOZ listing.


Jun 13, 2004
Expertu]This is why [url][/url said:
What does that thread have to do with my question?

Regardless, my question was answered in Samantha1's follow up message.

When will the outdated SEO documents that stress the importance of ODP finally get purged?


Dec 31, 2004
so yea, i think everyone here is getting a little too worked up

samantha1 - maybe you could pay for a yahoo listing?

mod/meta people - she's wrong or right, it does matter if you cant do anythign about it so maybe get worked up less

samantha1 - you are probably not being victimised, and the whole point is that it is free, therefore they are not working for bing companies

or ya'll could ignore me...


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
mod/meta people - she's wrong or right, it does matter if you cant do anythign about it so maybe get worked up less

It really doesn't seem to me, personally, that any metas/moderators are getting worked up. At the same time, we need to reply to posts in this forum (within reason of course). Sometimes it's hard not to get a little frustrated from my perspective when people are so often accusing me or other who do the same type of thing that I do of being unfair. It's the nature of the beast, of course, and nothing anyone does is going to please everyone. That is just life--be it here or in other aspects.
Please recognize that making the ODP a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all submissions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.

We try not to go into exact specifics about a site. In this particular case I'm going to go ahead and touch on a couple of points. To be listed in the ODP sites must offer unique content. In a category where there are a minimal number of sites offered, (in this category there are currently nine listed), having 50% of the sites listed selling the exact same product is not unique content. As a result, many of the sites listed that should not have been were removed. The criteria for which stayed listed? It was based on the sites that were listed first. Now, obviously, the people owning the sites that are removed are going to be upset regardless of how it was decided which ones would be removed. It all depends on the owner, because that person's view is colored by the fact that they want their site listed. Could we have left the category bogged down by what amounts to a bunch of sites offering the same content? Sure. Would that have been of benefit to the end-user? No. Looking at site after site that offer the same products doesn't result in a category of unique content.

We have had over 10,000 orders this year, and nearly every customer has sent an e-mail to say that they are amazed by the low prices, and fast world-wide service, they just cannot beleive their luck when they find us,

I'm not sure what the problem is then. Her business is going well. The fact that she offer the same products as other sites already represented in the ODP doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with the business or site--just that the product content was already represented in the ODP and for us it wasn't unique. We haven't ordered from them and have no idea about how good their service is. Unltimately a business is in part built on customer service and happy customers. It sounds like they've done that and should be proud. A DMOZ listing isn't going to make or break a site. If one needs additional listings, Fras above makes sense--maybe you could look into a Yahoo listing or seek out other paid avenues of listings.

The bottom line is that I'm not going to be able to convince anyone that the removal of a bunch of sites selling the same content was or wasn't "unjust". People can draw their own conclusions. The decision was looked at a second time as a result of the posts here in this forum--and that is not a bad thing. If someone feels there was abuse involved, they are always welcome to fill out an abuse report and someone not involved will evaluate the complaint. I've personally re-looked at many complaints regarding sites that have been removed. I've relisted some. In this case, IMO, the removal was "just". I'm sorry that it doesn't feel that way when it is your personal business--but from a ODP standpoint it was fair. I am sure this has been evaluated by other meta editors volunteering in this forum.

Comments like "When will the outdated SEO documents that stress the importance of ODP finally get purged?" just come with the territory but it is frustrating sometimes. This board is 100% paid for and manned by volunteers. We do our best to be fair, and contribute to a directory that offers quality sites for our end-users to view. Unfortunately not everyone is going to be happy with decisions that are made.

Capt Morgan

Aug 13, 2004
Samantha1, you seem to be able to write original content - as with your post.

Why not apply this concept to your site and add some unique content there. You may attract and keep customers and one day, you never know, the DMOZ may accept your site.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.