Top: Shopping: Children: Baby: Diapering: Diaper Bags


Jun 30, 2008
Hi there,

I was wondering how businesses that are legitimate ecommerce sites get listed on this Shopping section of dmoz?

It just seems a little odd that only 9 businesses in the world currently make the grade.

My concern is that given the nature of commerce, there are potential additional URL's to this section which might not be given the opportunity to be listed. I am not suggesting impropriety by editor(s) but think maybe the workload of the current editor(s) might be high. Regardless, the shopping section of DMOZ is a great idea but would like to see more listings.




Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Although we would like to see all listable sites to be listed we also knowthat this is an ideal situation we never can reach. So what we try to do is provide our users with a decent amount of sites under each subject (category).

To be listed in the category you metioned sites should sell online diaper bags, but only or mainly diaper bags, and they must be able to send these worldwide (or atleast to a large part of the world).
If the site would sell diaper bags and disposables it would be listed in the category that inlcudes both of these as a sub-category. If it would also sell non-diapering products the site would end up in
If the site would only sell in the UK it would be inlcuded in
If it would only sell in Australia it would be listed in (no diapers / nappies sub-cat there).

So will there be potential sites to be listed in this category. I would be amased if there wouldn't be any. If you know of a lot of sites that could be listed there you have two options. Either you suggest them all and eventualy an editor will look at them. Or you could ask to become an editor yourself for that category and list them yourself.


Jun 30, 2008
Thanks for the clarification pvgool

I appreciate the clarification pvgool:)

I have to rewrite my reply since I took too long to post my reply.

I will definitely try an become an editor of this section however because i am in the business of baby nappy bags does that exclude me?

I have also been assessing the current 8 websites listed and noted the following (I won't mention the URL's since I want to abide by this forum's rules):

- One of the 8 websites listed is not currently operating. They have a message that the website is closed however there is a considerably large number of links to other businesses. There is also no information of the nappy bag products which seems really strange. If I was an editor for this section I would be contacting this business and asking them why their URL is closed and when will it be back online...This site was a little strange I thought.

- I also noticed that another one was selling merchandise other than nappy bags exclusively. While I think this is OK since businesses grow it did seem to go against the suggested rules. I have submitted my site and our main product is the nappy bag with some small lines of baby clothing but we are predominantly in the nappy bag business and can deliver worldwide so I think we have a good chance of being considered for listing in this category.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to answer my query. I think you provided pragmatic and useful insights into the pressures of being an editor.:)

I would certainly be interested in hearing your reply.




Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Having a site doesn't exclude you, no, as long as you can show that you can edit without showing inappropriate favouritism to your site.
If I was an editor for this section I would be contacting this business and asking them why their URL is closed and when will it be back online.
Actually, you probably wouldn't. We don't generally contact sites.

I've taken care of the two sites you mentioned. We have a thread at the top of this forum just for reporting those types of issues. (It's one of the few places here where you can post URLs.)


Jun 30, 2008
Thanks for your assistance

Cheers Motsa,

I feel a bit bad about "dobbing in" the two sites. I really didn't want the second one I mentioned removed since I think they seemed like a legit nappy bag business.:eek: That was not my intention.

I didn't realise I should report it in the forum section you mentioned. Duly noted for next time.

I will try and apply to become an editor however I know someone else that tried who I thought would have a good chance but was rejected for the section mentioned. Given only 8 oops 6 URLs now exist, I am think it should be covered reasonably but nevertheless I will try. I actually do like seeing more businesses in this category since they really do assist parents with everything they need to change babies.

Cheers to both you and pvgool. I think it's refreshing to see global collaborative work on this project.


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