I would like to suggested a sub topic for the software section. Unless I am totally missing these items, Bulk Mail, Presort, Address Hygiene, List Management, CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System), DPV (Delivery Point Validation), Postal Certification Software; these are some of the subs that I did not find.
These topics are all used for companies that wish to presort, barcode, and manage their address lists according to United States Postal Service standardizations. Using a USPS Certified software with CASS/DPV will allow postal bulk mail customers discounts on their postage. There are now 28 companies in the US that have USPS Certified Software Licensing.:icon_idea
These topics are all used for companies that wish to presort, barcode, and manage their address lists according to United States Postal Service standardizations. Using a USPS Certified software with CASS/DPV will allow postal bulk mail customers discounts on their postage. There are now 28 companies in the US that have USPS Certified Software Licensing.:icon_idea