Topic Not Listed


Jan 8, 2008
I would like to suggested a sub topic for the software section. Unless I am totally missing these items, Bulk Mail, Presort, Address Hygiene, List Management, CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System), DPV (Delivery Point Validation), Postal Certification Software; these are some of the subs that I did not find.
These topics are all used for companies that wish to presort, barcode, and manage their address lists according to United States Postal Service standardizations. Using a USPS Certified software with CASS/DPV will allow postal bulk mail customers discounts on their postage. There are now 28 companies in the US that have USPS Certified Software Licensing.:icon_idea


Jan 23, 2003
We normally do not create subcategories until such time as we have a good number of sites that will populate those cateogries -- as having empty categories serves no one.

Since you are familiar with the companies that have this capability, where are their sites listed now? is that location somehow incorrect?

Remember, we do not list sites under each and every thing that they do, we strinve to find the single best category for a site.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Rather than looking under software for a postal-orientated category. Another option is to look for a postal-orientated that could perhaps have a software sub-category. It's quite possible that we'd prefer this sort of arrangement.

If you want to help the project you could consider becoming an editor (though you'd have to find somewhere else to edit, since we won't create a category just for someone to edit). Once you're an editor, it would be easy for you to bring up your suggestion in our internal forums for discussion with other editors.

The best non-editors can do is find where they think the new category would live, and submit all the sites they know of to the parent category of that location. (Proper titles and descriptions would obviously be useful.) When an editor comes to review the sites they may spot the collection and think about creating the category you're suggesting.
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