

May 19, 2007

Well, many of you may have heard, we were hit by tornado's last night. I am from Dodge City, which is about 40 miles from Greensburg, Kansas. The tornado's completely destroyed Greensburg, a town of only about 2000 people.

I have been up all night helping the victims because I am a Red Cross volunteer. I took in two of the displaced (related) families until they figure out what they are going to do.

If anyone wants to see some of the pictures I snapped, you can view them on my site in the forums under the thread titled "tornado's". Preliminary reports estimate this an F5 on the Fajita Scale. I have lived in Tornado Alley all my life, but I have never seen anything like this. This was so powerful it pulled trees out of the ground and stripped the bark right off the branches.

So far, 11 are known dead. The injured list is topping 50 as of late.

The tornado's are making a repeat performance as we speak. It's going to be a long night, I'm afraid.

We welcome all your prayers.


Nov 7, 2006
I think the tornadoes are much worse than the hurricanes. At least with a hurricane you get plenty of warning, see it coming, and you can track it. A tornado just appears suddenly and whacks you.

I will add my prayers to yours, it's a terrible thing to see, especially for the elderly who are helpless and have lost a lifetimes hard work.

Don't let the lack of responses to your post bother you too much, people just don't know what to say, I suspect. Best of luck to all of you.
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