Trade Magazines




I'm unsure where to submit a site that gives information about my company's publishing arm.

The site is

We publish magazines aimed at mostly at small and discount retailers (dollar stores, flea markets, small gift shops). These magazines provide information about wholesalers and wholesale product that our readers are likely to be interested in.

I would think that the natural place for this would be


but that's an @ link to:


which appears to be distributors and wholesalers of books and magazines. That's not us.

So my next best guess is:


Which makes some logical sense but it doesn't really seem to suit the publisher of a narrow range of specialty magazines like my company, and also doesn't really seem to serve the ODP particularly well. The average user isn't going to be paging through the Publishers category looking for wholesale trade magazines.

Other categories under Business like Accounting or Customer Service have News and Media subcats. Wholesale Trade doesn't and the closest match is actually a whole different sector of business.

Am I missing something? The funny thing is none of my competitors are listed with the ODP that I can find. Which makes me wonder if they don't because there isn't an appropriate category for them so they get bounced around other categories like I'm trying to avoid...

Thanks for reading, any suggestions would be appreciated.

Joe Preston
Sumner Communications Inc.



Thanks a lot for the helpful suggestions. I'm going to submit to Business/Retail Trade/News and Media

joe preston
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