Trademark owner


Nov 30, 2004
undefinedI am hoping to be selected as a recommended site since I am the registered trademark owner and official site. But I do not see anywhere in the submission to alert the site editors to the fact that I Am the registered trademark owner. Can you guide me?
Thanks for your help,


Curlie Meta
Nov 24, 2003
I presume by recommended you mean "cool" - e.g. highlighted by the little island.

It is not a requirement that all official sites are 'cooled' to highlight them - it is an optional convention than some editors follow in certain parts of the directory. e.g. For computer games categories - the official site for the game provided by its developers, for a music band category - the official site of that band.

Generally its done when there are a lot of sites in a category in order to highlight the official one. But in terms of the review process, 'official sites' are treated like any others, in that they must comply with the guidelines.

If you append a note in square brackets [ ] to the site description when you submit your site, the reviewing editor may take into account your comments - if they are relevant to the review.

Please note that we do not give priority to reviewing 'official sites' - although generally we would expect them to be added at the time of cat creation anyway.

Just to warn you, I suspect many editors would ignore any request by a submitter that their site be flagged cool. You are probably better off not even mentioning that you think your site is worthy of such a flag.




Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"Official" has nothing to do with trademarks, nothing at all. It would be used for the "primary" site of an organization which had enough "satellite" sites to have its own category -- you know, like the Boy Scouts of America, central denominational or social "umbrella" organizations, Official band site for a band popular enough to have lots of fan sites -- that sort of thing. If we had a category called, say, "Mormon Church", and you had trademarked all variants of the name "Mormon", the website of the CoC/LDS headquartered in SLC, Utah, would still be the official site. (This situation has occurred in at least one denomination I'm aware of.)
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