Travel related site


Mar 10, 2004

I have a travel related site I would like to get listed. As I have heard so much about the importance of submitting it into the appropriate categories, I would like to know just a few things. The site specializes in the Scandinavian region. All tours go to Scandinavia, Russia, Baltics and Greenland. The tours provided range from Escorted tours to hiking, biking, skiing, dog sled tours, fjord cruises, arctic safaris and more. So I am a little unsure where I should put it. Is it possible to submit it to several regional directories? As the site has quite a few specialty tours in each category, would it be appropriate to submit to other subcategories as well? Just don't want my site to get banned or anything else. Would it also be appropriate when submitting to ask the editor for the chosen category if that person thinks the site could be listed in any additional categories?
Waiting to hear from you!
Erik T
traveling man


Mar 25, 2002

So how would you characterise the site:
* Travel Information without any business connections
* Representing a tour operator
* Representing a travel agent
* Representing a Travel consolidator
* A Travel affiliate

Please pick one, that fits your site the best. The answer you give will definitely affect our answer.



Mar 10, 2004
Hello! Thank you for your answer. As I am a commercial web site your first suggestion is out of the picture. We do represent several tour operators but are a travel agency. We work as a travel agency, promoting tours to the Scandinavian region, including several different types of tours to different countries. I would think that the most appropriate from the above should then be Representing a travel agent? Please correct me if this is wrong.
I hope this gave you the answer you were looking for?
Erik Thorsen


Mar 25, 2002
Not quite sure of a definitive answer, without looking at the site itself (if you would submit a URL it might be easier), but here are some thoughts:

Submitting to each of the countries where tours are offered is out of the question - those will never get accepted. The countries you name aren't in the ODP definition of Scandinavia, so it wouldn't fit in the European region - Greenland isn't even considered in Europe. Therefore a listing in the Regional branch of the tree, based on the countries you offer tours to won't happen.

Does your travel agency also have a brick-and-mortar location, or is it purely online? If you have that, and it is prominent on the site (location, office hours, etc) then there might be something in Regional.

Do each othe tour operators which you represent have their own web sites?

Sorry to have to foolow up with further questions, but without the actual URL we have to keep asking - these are some of the things we go through as editors in determinaing the best location for a site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
goescorted said:
I would think that the most appropriate from the above should then be Representing a travel agent? Please correct me if this is wrong.
I hope this gave you the answer you were looking for?

Sigh. Are you or are you not representing a travel agent?

If this is a difficult question, these may help clarify:

What is the travel agent's name? Where does he work? How can we contact him?

If these questions are difficult, the answer to the first question should have been "no".

Is this his single, only, solitary, website representation?

If the answer to this question is "no", then the answer to the first question was "no".

We're looking for the simple truth. What actual content is on the website, but not available anywhere ELSE on the web? Ignore all the promotional verbiage, advertisements, marketing, lead generation, banners, and everything that offers what someone ELSE actually provides.


Mar 10, 2004
I can see that I am causing some stress here now and that was not my intention. I just wanted to make sure I did the right things. I thought it was not good to leave web site addresses here but here it goes: This is the website I have asked about some help to determine where to put it. It is a travel agency, however, we are also a portal for all different types of tours to Scandinavia and other nearby countries. We have online "booking" possibilities, in other words, is is possible to add tours to our "shopping cart" for easy access to our travel specialists. If you don't mind I will ask you guys for help to place this website and then I will add it to the appropriate category (ies). Cheers for all and any help!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
goescorted said:
I can see that I am causing some stress here now and that was not my intention.

No more stress than any other submittal in a heavily-spam-plagued subject. The site appears to be for an Oslo travel agent. Travel agents are listed only in the local category, because they are ubiquitous (like florists, real estate agents, auto shops).

So start with the Oslo category and drill down through Business and Travel-related categories till you find the other Oslo travel agents -- surely this is not the only one there, right?


Mar 10, 2004
hutcheson said:
So start with the Oslo category and drill down through Business and Travel-related categories till you find the other Oslo travel agents -- surely this is not the only one there, right?

Ok, I think I am pretty much ready to list it. However, I have found at least to categories that are pretty similar. Could it be possible that I could be included in both?

This as one of these categories list travel agents only, the other lists travel and tourism in Oslo. Pretty similar but two different categories.

As soon as I get these things sorted I can start increasing my hit ratio :)
Thank you for all help so far. You have all been most helpful!


Mar 25, 2002
Please submit to Oslo/Travel_and_Tourism - if you submit to the other it will more than likely just get moved to the second one.
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