Tried Submitting Site Since 2004


Oct 24, 2007
Hello there.
I've been trying to get my website listed in OPD since 2004. Every so often (6 month to 1 year), I come back and check, see it's still not listed and try again.
I have submitted it to the following category: Top: Business: Business Services: Supplies and Equipment: Time Recording and Management (97)
I know this is the correct category, since all my competitors are listed in this section as well. In all this time, I have NEVER received an e-mail back from ODP with a reason for not being listed.

What do I have to do to be listed? I would appreciate getting a straight answer, not just "make sure you submit to the right category" or "we're busy and it can take up to 2 years". It has already been 3+ years and the category was last updated in Aug 2007.
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