Trouble finding the right category with 'add' option

rick lecoat

Aug 28, 2004
Hi there; I'm very much a newbie at this submissions game and want to get things right, hence a quick question to the forums before I commit to my URL suggestion.

The site I wish to put forward is for my own graphic design business; the logical choice for category seemed to be:
Business>Business Services>Design>Graphic Design>Firms, but that category does not have a Suggest URL button. Looking at some other threads here one of the reasons given was if a category was too broad, but my intended one was (I think) the last child at the end of the chain.

The next level up (Business>Business Services>Design>Graphic Design) does not have a sugest URL option either, yet the level above that (Business>Business Services>Design) does -- but it doesn't feel specific enough for me, and I was under the impression that ODP prefers accurately-targeted submissions.

I can't see much rhyme or reason to which categories accept sumissions, and which do not, so if anybody here could offer some advice to a bewildered newcomer, I'd be very grateful.

Thanks in advance;

rick lecoat

Aug 28, 2004
Ah-HA! All is clear now. Thanks djdeeds, your help is much appreciated. So obvious, once you have it pointed out to you. Well, it is almost 2am. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks again.
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