Trying to change category



Hi there,

I have made various requests to move a canadian retail job site to a regional category since last June 2001 with no response yet. This site is currently listed in the main retail employment category but since it's a strictly canadian site I feel it belongs in the regional category: >> North America: Canada: Business and Economy: Employment <<

There's another canadian retail employment site listed in the regional cat and that makes sense to me.

There's no editor for either cat so I wrote to the editor in the next cat up (general cat). When I didn't get a response a month later, I wrote to someone else. A few months later I tried to "update url".

I'm almost giving up but this forum came up and I thought I would at least try. I'm not asking for a "personal" review of my situation, just some clear advice and whether or not my attempts will be futile. I'm quite familiar with OD guidelines and follow the rules.

I won't name the site but anyone can contact me either through this forum or my email if they can help.


Mar 1, 2002
Your site is eligible to be listed in both a Regional and non-Regional category. So for example you are allowed to be listed in both Business and Regional, if you want.

If you decide to post your URL, we'll be more than happy to help you out.
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