Trying to get my site listed since last 2 years


Jun 12, 2009

I am running a web development company since 2006 and trying to get my website listed on DMOZ from last two years but not succeed.

In last 2 years I have requested my site thrice on DMOZ to get listed and all the time I followed all the rules and guidelines to submit a site on DMOZ but all useless.

Can you tell me if I am lacking something and what is the next step to get it done.

Many Thanks!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
maneetpuri said:
In last 2 years I have requested my site thrice on DMOZ to get listed and all the time I followed all the rules and guidelines to submit a site on DMOZ but all useless.
Strange. One of these guidelines is "do not suggest your site more than once". Seems you have not been following the guidelines.
BTW, you can not "request a site to be listed". You can only suggest a website.

Can you tell me if I am lacking something and what is the next step to get it done.
As has been explained in the FAQ (link at top of this page) and in many other threads with similar questions.
After a website is suggested an editor will look at the website and decide if it will be listed. There is just no way to predict when this will happen. Might be within a few days, might also take several years. It all depends if and when someone is interested enough in the subject (category) to review the suggested websites.
This is not a problem as DMOZ is not a listing service. We use the pool of suggested sites as one of many sources to build the directory. And to be honest that pool is not the best of the different resources we use.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The submittal policies say, "no site is guaranteed a listing."

That confuses a lot of people. They think it says "no site is guaranteed a listing until it's been submitted 3 (or 30, or 3000) times." or "no site is guaranteed a listing until an editor has been contacted (or perhaps annoyed, or angered, or stalked)".

But it doesn't say that. It's WHATEVER you do, no site is guaranteed a listing."

So give up the idea of doing something, ANYTHING, to FORCE the volunteers to list your site.

And focus on making a site that EVERYBODY WANTS to list.

Add so much good content, available nowhere else online, that any visitor would drop everything else and run to the Open Directory to add it.

There aren't any guarantees (it says so in the submittal policies, you know!) BUT -- you find 10 sites whose owners did what I suggested, and I'll bet you'll find 9 of them already listed.

And the other one will be as soon as it's noticed.
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