Trying to get site entered for years, help!


New Member
Feb 27, 2012
I have been trying to get our site entered to the ODP for years now and keep getting overlooked and denied. We are a full service web design, logo design and graphic design company. I can't get added to any of those directories. I just submitted for the full service web design category, that's what I'd like to be listed in.

Our name is Black Bear Design and their is another company listed called Black Bear Design in the web category. Could the editors be seeing this listing and thinking it is us? What can we do?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Could the editors be seeing this listing and thinking it is us?
If they have different URLs, no. However, I can't see that rival listing. Did you look in the actual category because that's definitive?

What can we do?
You've already played your part by suggesting your website to us. Any further actions by you are more likely to delay matters than expedite them.

You seem to have chosen a worldwide category for designers beginning with the letter B. This is perfect for potential clients set on hiring a designer starting with that letter. If your website is clear about where it's based, it'll also be eligible for a locality listing - where I guess some of your customers are.
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