Trying to list my site for almost 3 years now!!!!

Jan 4, 2010
i know this question has been asked many times.

I have tried to list my site in dmoz for almost 3 years and still to this day i have not got the site listed?!!?

my question is... how do i find out if the site is there waiting for editior to list it? or am i doing something wrong?

there is no way of finding out from the dmoz? or is there a way of finding out the editor in charge of topic my site deals with?

i just want to find out if my appliction is there or have am i doing something wrong.

please help.



Apr 5, 2004
i know this question has been asked many times.
Yes indeed. Many many many times.
So to save volunteers from having to provide the same answer many many many times, we put it in the FAQ linked at the top of each page.

May I suggest you look there?
If you don't feel like doing that, you could look at any of the hundreds of threads where other people have failed to read the FAQ, and see if your answer is there.
(Hint: it is.)
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