Two or Three -- does it make a difference?

Was curious about the number of suggested sites you should enter when you apply to be an editor. The first set of directions say "3 sites", but when you get to actually entering the sites, the directions say "2 or 3 sites".

Does it make a difference? Is it a killer if you enter 2 instead of 3?


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
It's not a "killer", but of course it makes your application look better if it has three URLs /images/icons/smile.gif

Just think about this question: "Who is more likely to add large numbers of high quality sites to ODP - The one supplying two or the one supplying three URLs?"


Mar 25, 2002
I suppose if it's a really tiny small category, you might be able to get away with just 2 sites - but please please try and enter 3. Why? Well, your application form is the main "item" the 'meta editors' (who accept new editors) have to judge applicants on. If it looks like a 'half-hearted' attempt or no visible effort was made (for example, if only 2 sites were entered but a Google search for appropriate sites comes up with several thousands) then it will count against you.

Just fill in the form to the absolute best of your ability and you shouldn't go wrong...

What beebware said.

Also, sometimes new editors may apply to edit in tiny categories which are somewhat outdated as per the descriptions standards and general organization of the listings. Should you apply for such a category and really can't manage to find 3 all new sites, you may fill the form with 2 new ones, and fill the third with an already listed site where you suggest an improvement in the description, or moving it to a better category (this, of course, assuming you carefully read our Guidelines): this will show us your willingness and ability to improve the quality of the category you are applying for, and your understanding of the Guidelines.
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