Two questions, including "What are 'guides'?"


Oct 30, 2002
I wish I would have found this forum three weeks ago. I think I may have made another mistake that I hope can be corrected (if it was in fact a mistake).

I have this site:
It was literally the first thing of its kind when I wrote it two years ago, and even now there are only three somewhat simlar things in existence. The point of saying that is to emphasize that I think it merits a deep link.

So on October 14th I submitted it here:

Two points. First, my site is even titled a "Guide" so this seemed clearly the best category, but some of the sites listed are more broadly based (like an site). I wouldn't consider some of these "guides", but obviously the directory does since they are listed in this category. Perhaps then the directory has a specific definition of "guide". If so, I'd appreciate knowing the ODP definition of "Guide". I have written two "here is a guide how to do this game" and likely will do more in the future, but perhaps that idea of a "guide" is not the ODP idea... in which case I would aim any future of these "guides to games" that I write to non-guide categories. (Hope that isn't confusing.)

The main thing though, my possible mistake, comes into play in that the above directory category was updated October 18th, a few days after my submission. I then assumed it had been found inappropriate for the "Guide" category, and submitted it here:

But now as I read through this forum it becomes more clear that there could be a significant queue. Perhaps my submission was not gotten to, in which case sending it to the second category is wrong. If I would have known I could ask here, I would have just done that, but now it's too late.

So, I'd like to ask...
1) If there is a definition of "Guides" somewhere?
2) Did my site get reviewed in the first category? If it did, I guess there is no problem, but if it is still in the queue for the first category, will someone please delete it from the second category?

Thanks again. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Oct 30, 2002
Thanks for the link. I read the pages on gambling submissions but somehow missed the link right in front of my nose.

Just thinking out loud, the other interesting thing (to me anyway) is the basic point of my guide is that "online poker" is different than "casino poker" in the same sense that beach volleyball is different than gymnasium volleyball or field hockey is different than ice hockey. Big differences, but those differences would not be apparent to anyone not familiar with the games. To them it would all seem to be just "volleyball" or "hockey".
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