Two years later, no listing


Mar 16, 2009
I am probably one of many people who have submitted their site repeatedly, hoping to get it listed. However, I am not a spammer, but have waited for nearly two years but heard nothing.

Yahoo has my site listed as "Technology News", but I tried that over a year ago but never got listed. Was it because of the "all CAPS rule"? I did submit "NewsOXY", which is how we spell it. Was it supposed to be "Newsoxy" instead? Although other sites such as "BetaNews" have uppercase letters, so I submitted it as "NewsOXY".

While DMOZ does not tell Webmasters why they didn't get listed, it does leave some of us in the dark. We have to try and guess why were didn't get listed, "Was it the caps rule? Was it my description? Should I match the same title as it appears on my main page?"

Since my site publishes news on Technology, Mobile Phones, Hybrid cars, Science, and Space, which is all linked to "Technology", wouldn't it be "Technology News"? Or, should I submit the subdirectories to multiple category listings instead?

I submitted my site yesterday to the "Technology News", which I've done before, but never got listed. I am not blaming DMOZ or its editors for not getting a listing, perhaps I am missing something. I even applied to become a DMOZ editor just so I could learn more about the directory and improve my writing skills. Well, I did hear back on that, it was rejected. However, at least DMOZ was kind enough to let me know!

Anyway, I am just hoping I can get some information on how I can get listed. Perhaps my Website was banned for spamming, which was not my intention.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Rather than point you to gazillions of almost identical threads here or the FAQ, I'll tell you the real truth.

If your website is listable, we'll eventually list it. There's no means of expediting this process.

You can check for yourself whether or not your website is listable by checking it against our site selection criteria.

We don't care about crappy titles and descriptions, we fix them.

We don't care about websites suggested to the wrong category, we move them

boiler plate alert:

You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

Now, can we help you with anything else?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What gets a site listed is not what the webmaster (or his hired promoter) does.

This is a good thing. Otherwise, spammers would rule the Directory.

What gets a site listed is the unique content it has. Sooner or later, some volunteer will look for that kind of unique content, and list the site.

In the meantime, what you can do is make sure the visitor to your site can see, immediately, what unique content it has.


Mar 16, 2009
Thank you for the quick replies. I understand a bit more now. Basically, even if the title, description, or category was wrong, the editor will fix it. I couldn't find this in any of the online docs. However, that doesn't mean it's not there and probably something I misunderstood or didn't read.

Anyway, I'll just hang in there and wait. Thanks again for the responses and your time.

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