Typical Wait? Resubmit?


Nov 8, 2006

3 months ago I submitted my site, <URL removed> in the category http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/North_America/United_States/Minnesota/Localities/S/Saint_Paul/

It has yet to be listed, and I am wondering if the 3+ month wait is typical right now. I did apply to be an editor for this category, thinking that since it is missing many, many things it may be a sign of an over-worked editor - but I was turned down for that.

I was also wondering if we are notified when a submission is turned down.

Thanks so much! I'd like to help dmoz, but I can't find a category small enough that I would be approved to be an editor.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> I am wondering if the 3+ month wait is typical right now
There is not typical tiem between suggesting a site and it being reviewed. Due to the way DMOZ works this can vary between a few days and many years.

> I did apply to be an editor for this category, thinking that since it is missing many, many things it may be a sign of an over-worked editor - but I was turned down for that.
You will have received an email with a list of common mistakes, one or more of these common mistakes apply to your application.

> I was also wondering if we are notified when a submission is turned down.
No you won't

> but I can't find a category small enough that I would be approved to be an editor.
There are many categories with less than 50 listings. Did you already look at your own hometown, it or a subcat of it might be small enough and you will have easy access (local newspapers, signs on stores etc) to resources to find new sites.
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