

Mar 26, 2004
I hate to ask a stupid question, but I'm going to assume the when we are to submit our URL(web site) you donot mean the actual name of our site(kineticwaves.com) but the url the the site is directed to when someone types kineticwaves.com?

thanks in advance


Mar 26, 2002
Its going to ask you for a site title - that is where you put the name of your site. It is going to ask you for a site url - you will put http://www.kineticwaves.com/ it will also ask you to suggest a description - that is where you describe your site. Hope this is clear enough and helps.


Mar 26, 2004
actual screen

I went ahead and copied how I have been filling in the submit page, jsu to mae sure I was inputing in everything correctly.
I use msn as my browser.

home | help

Submit a Site to the Open Directory

Thank you for your interest in the Open Directory Project. Submitting a site is easy, but before you
proceed with the site submission form, we ask that you do two things.
Please take a moment to review some of our submission policies and instructions. It is important that you understand these policies. Failure to understand and follow these policies generally will result in the rejection of a submission.
Please check to be sure that this is the single category you think your site should be listed in. The Open Directory has a rich subject tree, and it helps everyone if you search around for the best category. This also helps expedite our review of your site.
A site on Breast Cancer should be submitted to:

Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Cancer : Breast Cancer not

Top: Health: Conditions and Diseases

This is an important distinction in the world of web categorization,and it ensures speedy processing of your site.

Please note: We are not a search engine and pride ourselves on being highly selective. We don't
accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should your site not be accepted.

Category: Health: Alternative: Practitioners

Appropriate submissions include alternative health services directories and search engines specializing in alternative health categories.

Practitioners and clinics, please navigate to the appropriate modality to submit your site.

For example, acupuncture practitioners should submit to Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Clinics

Please include the following information in your submission:
* Name of clinic or practice
* Name of clinic director, founder or practitioner
* Brief description of the main services and specialties offered
* Location

Please submit to the geographic category (if provided) which most closely fits the area you serve.

Foreign language sites which do not provide pages in English should submit to the appropriate World category.
category description

Are you sure this is the most descriptive category for your site? If you are unsure, please take a little extra time in searching the directory and find the most appropriate category.


Site URL: http://www.kineticwaves.com

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, which means your site address. Example: http://dmoz.org

Do not add mirror sites.
Do not submit an URL that contains only the same or similar content as other sites you may have listed in the directory. Multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
Do not disguise your submission and submit the same URL more than once.Example: http://www.dmoz.org and http://www.dmoz.org/index.html.
Do not submit any site with an address that redirects to another address.
The Open Directory has a policy against the inclusion of sites with illegal content. Examples of illegal material include child pornography; libel; material that infringes any intellectual property right; and material that specifically advocates, solicits or abets illegal activity (such as fraud or violence).
Do not submit sites "under construction."
Submit pornographic sites to the appropriate category under Adult.
Submit non-English sites to the appropriate category under World.
Don't submit sites consisting largely of affiliate links.


Title of Site: Kinetic Waves
Please supply a short and descriptive title.

Always opt for the official name of the site.
Do not use ALL CAPITAL letters.
Exclude promotional language in the title.


Site Description: Our Health Center focuses on stress, pain and sports injuries. Using Cranio Sacral, Vibrational Therapy, Neural Linguistic Programming and Reiki. Reiki Classes are also available.

Keep the description of your site brief - no longer than 25-30 words. A well-written, objective description will make listing your site easier.

Do not use any HTML tags
Write in complete sentences and/or descriptive phrases using proper grammar, punctuation and correct spelling.
Do not use ALLCAPS in your description.
Avoid capitalizing every word in a sentence.
Don't repeat the title of your site in the description.
Avoid using promotional language and strings of key words and search terms. Words and phrases like "cool" and "best darn site" will be removed.


Your E-mail Address: peter@kineticwaves.com



Submission Agreement
In exchange for ODP's consideration of the site I am submitting, I agree
To be bound by the ODP's Terms of Use.
To waive any claim related to the inclusion, placement, exclusion, or removal of this or any other site in the ODP Directory or to the title or description of any site appearing in the ODP Directory; and
To grant Netscape Communications Corporation a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, publish, copy, edit, modify, or create derivative works from my submission.
I also acknowledge that Netscape and the ODP have unfettered editorial discretion to determine the structure and content of the
directory and that, because a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time, I may not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. (i.e. "submission" means the title and descriptive information you supply for your site, not the actual website or its contents).
I have read and understand the submissions guidelines, and I'm ready to submit my site

Copyright © 1998-2004 Netscape Terms of Use


May 26, 2002
Umm, that post is far too long. It was not necessary to post the entire content of the site submission process here.

If by posting, you are trying to submit, then please note that this forum cannot be used for that process at all.
You have to use the form at dmoz.org for that. If it does not work in your browser, on your machine, then use a different browser, on a different machine, and try again.

The ODP receives over 4000 submissions per day, so the problem is more likely in your browser, machine, or ISP.

I looked at your suggested description:

Our Health Center focuses on stress, pain and sports injuries. Using Cranio Sacral, Vibrational Therapy, Neural Linguistic Programming and Reiki. Reiki Classes are also available.

and that sort of keyword-stuffed description isn't going to happen.


Mar 31, 2004
true I agree with u GIZ
sometimes few ISPs block the sites, like in Pakistan Dmoz.org is blocked it’s not workable here L so, you must check either it’s blocked or not, sometime it’s visible but it comes out of cashe when you try to submit then it interact with main servers that could be the reason why site is not working


Mar 26, 2004
My appoligies

Sorry about the long post. I was not trying to submit through a forum. Just trying to problem solve thats all.
Thanks for all your help. The suggested description is the same that is on my Home Page.

giz said:
Umm, that post is far too long. It was not necessary to post the entire content of the site submission process here.

If by posting, you are trying to submit, then please note that this forum cannot be used for that process at all.
You have to use the form at dmoz.org for that. If it does not work in your browser, on your machine, then use a different browser, on a different machine, and try again.

The ODP receives over 4000 submissions per day, so the problem is more likely in your browser, machine, or ISP.

I looked at your suggested description:

Our Health Center focuses on stress, pain and sports injuries. Using Cranio Sacral, Vibrational Therapy, Neural Linguistic Programming and Reiki. Reiki Classes are also available.

and that sort of keyword-stuffed description isn't going to happen.


Jan 23, 2003
OK, now that we are back to normal-length postings again, is there a question in here?

If you want to find out if your submission has been received, and it is in the pool, here is what you do:

1. Wait 30 days beyond the last date you tried to submit your site.
2. Go to the site submission status forum, read the posting guidelines, and post a properly formatted request. Provide a link to this thread.
3. Keep your posting short and to the point. Most status requests are no more than two sentences long.

You will be told if we have received your submission and if an editor has looked at it. If for some reason the editor cannot find your submission, you will be advised to resubmit. Do not resubmit until told to do so by an editor. It is entirely possible that your submission has been successful and that your browser is hanging up at the very end of the process.

Hope this helps.


Mar 26, 2004
Suggested Decription.

I was a little confused when I was told that my description was a keyword-stuffed. When I in fact I copied the desription from my home page. I'm just trying to follow all the guidelines. Which for whatever reason seems to be back firing.


Jan 23, 2003
We were just setting your expectations. I rewrite more than 99% of all submitted descriptions. The other 1% causes me to jump up and do a dance of celebration around my desk. It is a sight to behold and the wife, kids and dog all flee to safer parts of the house.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.