Unable To Get Listed, please help


Apr 23, 2007
I have been attempting to submit a website i have been working on for nearly a year now and still not had any luck, the website is <url removed> and i have attempted to submit the relavent pages to the relavent catagories in DMOZ but have been visited by a editor but still no listing, can anyone help in this process.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
There are any number of reasons logs can show a dmoz visit and only 1 of them could mean it was an editor reviewing the site. Pay no attention to the dmoz in the logs. ;) If you have been submitting individual pages of a site to various categories-please stop now and re-read the suggestion instructions. It is spamming. You should submit the main URL (root) only and to the single (1) most relevant category for its content. The editors will decide if any of the deeplinks are eligible for listings elsewhere.

You said:
I have been attempting to submit a website i have been working on for nearly a year now and still not had any luck
What do you mean but not having any luck? Did you not see the 'Thank you' page after you submitted? The submission is really a suggestion, if you have seen the "Thank You" page then you have successfully made your suggestion and the site will be passed along to the editors for consideration. No site is guaranteed a listing and there is no way of predicting when a volunteer editor will be interested in reviewing suggestions in any given category. Public suggestions are but 1 small resource that editors use to find and list sites, in some categories (like high spam areas) editors often utilize the other more reliable resources before weeding through the public submissions looking for the good listable sites.
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