Unable To Get Unique Boxing Website Listed


Sep 17, 2005
The website is www.boxingscene.com, I have been trying to get it listed under "Boxing: News and Media" for ages. The site has so much information and content not found on any other boxing realted website. Not to mention it is one of the largest boxing websites on the internet, very active forum consists of 23,000 plus, writing staff of 40+ and we are also the exclusive boxing content provider for Fox Sports.

Our writers are professional journalists and well known boxing media personalities. Just knowing that we are picked up by Fox Sports should tell anyone that. You can even verify by going to www.foxsports.com/boxing

Since Fox Sports is the exclusive sports content provider for MSN, it would make us the boxing content provider for them as well.

After reviewing the "Boxing: News and Media" section, I see dozens of websites that have not updated for months, no longer active or do not even belong in that category.

I don't know if this has affected my traffic, since I have over 140,000 pages indexed in Google. I am not the only person with this problem, several other boxing websites have not been able to get listed as well, but I am the most well known in the industry out of the bunch.

I see no reason whatsoever, that my company is unable to get a professionally run boxing news and information website listed.

Can someone please advise?


Jan 23, 2003
Well, you gave no indication that you have ever submitted it to the directory.

The only thing you can do to facilitate a listing is to submit it once to the single best category in the directory, and then wait. The google stuff, the fox news stuff, etc,. is all great for you, but not terribly relevant in the listing process.

Our excellent FAQ addreses such issues as time to review, etc. It is worth a look.


Sep 17, 2005
spectregunner said:
Well, you gave no indication that you have ever submitted it to the directory.

The only thing you can do to facilitate a listing is to submit it once to the single best category in the directory, and then wait. The google stuff, the fox news stuff, etc,. is all great for you, but not terribly relevant in the listing process.

Our excellent FAQ addreses such issues as time to review, etc. It is worth a look.

I have submitted it numerous times in the last year, maybe even two and it has never appeared in the listings.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
In that case you have done everything you can do.
Regarding a lisiting in DMOZ you now can only wait. See the FAQ for more explanation.


Aug 21, 2004
boxingscene: "I have submitted it numerous times in the last year, maybe even two and it has never appeared in the listings. "
I have read this practice is discouraged. It doesn't help to submit your site over and over.
12-20-2004 hutcheson/meta - "There's almost never a need to resubmit, once it has been received."
Having said that the follow link has some advice on reasons to resubmit - Major Site Changes.

You may want to consider applying as an editor and make the boxing category a really happening place. It would seem that you are qualified to do the job as you know the industry well and it would be a real service to your industries community to have a better resource where all the quality boxing sites are.

In noting the above I will also paste the following from the ODP editor application.
"We do not bar editors with business affiliations, since those editors with their own sites usually know their competition and related sites better than anyone. This knowledge can be ideal for helping build an authoritative directory. However, we will not tolerate editors who only add their own sites, or maliciously interfere with others' listings in the directory."

So it would take a commitment to do more than just add your own site.

Hopes this helps some.

I am a non-eidtor and my advise should be considered non-authoritative.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, I think I see the problem here. You thought "submitting" a site "got" it a listing, and you apparently further thought "submitting" a site got it "assigned" a "peon" to review it on a "schedule," and a "manager" to fire the peon if "followthrough didn't occur within maximally profitable timeframes", and a venture capitalist to buy out the company and
"rightsize the company to meet financial targets and position it for emerging markets," right?

None of that is present. There's no way, ever, to "get" a site listed. "No site is guaranteed a listing," it says right up front in the submittal policies.

Now, a suggestion means the site is available for an editor to review. But there's nobody to tell editors what to do and when to do it and what if or else. We're like, volunteers.

So, when an editor chooses to work to build up the boxing category, your site suggestion will be there for him to use. But nobody ever knows when that will happen, or what he'll work on first (Google searches, or URLs from Danish Boxing Magazine, or suggestions, or whatever), and if he works on suggestions, nobody else knows which suggestions he'll work on first.

There's an enormous amount of effort not put into that kind of micro-management, which goes into editing instead; there's an even larger amount of editor effort freed up by the lack of
"uninformed micromanagement"
(which is, of course, a redundant phrase.)

But the result is, nobody can know when any particular site will be reviewed, and (to protect editors from the kind of abuse all too many people are willing to put out) nobody can influence when any particular site will be reviewed -- attempts to do so can result in shunning.
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