Unable to Login

I am unable to login as an editor in my category. I assumed that this was due to the fact that I have not logged in to my account for quite a while, and someone probably decided that I wasn’t helping out enough. However, when I tried to send a request to get reinstated, I received an error message stating that my account is still active.

I was accepted as an editor a couple of months ago and I did some editing initially, which I enjoyed. However, when one of my employees resigned from my clinic I was stranded with a lot of work on my hands, and with my wife being pregnant I have had to do most of the work at home as well.

If my account has been removed because I wasn’t active enough I would like to get another chance to help out. I promised Susanna that I wouldn’t let her down when she accepted my application, and I feel that I have done just that. /images/icons/frown.gif

Username: bigal

Thanks to everyone for letting me know. I am glad that my account hadn't been removed, and I am looking forward to do some more editing when the problem is fixed. /images/icons/smile.gif


Mar 25, 2002
There are currently authentication problems with ODP editor accounts. This will be resolved shortly (otherwise some of us will start getting withdrawal symptoms!). No one seems able to log in to either the forums or the editor dashboard at the moment (see the 'Editors Hangout' here).

In the meantime, here is some music...pa pa papapa..pa pa pa pa pa....:)


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Actually not necessarily. Your public profile still shows up even if you have been removed or have timed out. Only those editors who were removed in the very early days had their profiles deleted.

But yeah, the ODP isn't working. I guess autumn will be onto it once she gets into work - it's not yet 6am PDT (at time of posting).
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