Unable to successfully submit a site


Jul 12, 2003
About six months ago I submitted www.myownbookshop.com for listing in http://www.dmoz.org/Shopping/Publications/Books/Used_and_Rare/Search,_On-line/ I never heard back from DMOZ. I tried again about a month ago. Got the 500 internal server error the first time, so went back and resubmitted.

Still no response.

I sent the webmaster a request about this problem, the email bounced.

Not having any luck with this I tried the approach of becoming an editor, not really wanting this, but not seeing any other way to get listed.

For good reasons my application was rejected, but that led me to this forum, so perhaps someone can explain to me what we need to do to get listed on dmoz.org.

Thank you,



Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Actually, you did submit your site successfully. It just hasn't been reviewed yet. Your site is waiting for review with fewer than 20 sites in that category.

It is not surprising that you received no feedback. Editors are volunteers and are not required to answer email. Due to many unfortunate incidents, the majority of editors, myself included, rarely, if ever, answer email.

You have done all you can. Someone will eventually review your site, so I'm afraid you'll just have to be patient. I know six months seems like a long time, but there are other sites that have been waiting longer. We wish we had more qualified volunteers to help with the waiting submissions, but unfortunately we don't.

Please feel free to check the status again in this thread after at least a month.

Oh, and for any other prospective posters who may be reading this thread: questions about submission status are best posted in the Submission Status Forum.
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