Understanding Policies


Apr 29, 2005
While this thread might get deleted, it is not my intent to be disruptive, just informed. Many months ago, I asked you about two sites that are ticket / concert related, as to when they were going to get reviewed. (note, I didn't even list them in this email to check on them) My answer from you folks was wait until after May to ask. It had been 3 months as of that point, but no problem for my waiting until May. Then today, I check to see if you had listed those two sites and they were still not there, almost 5 months later and was going to ask you about it.

Now I see that you can no longer ask that 'when' question. While I understand policies change and I also understand that 99% of the questions on that forum were about when was site being listed and that was taking all the time, etc. But what I don't understand is your policy of making no exceptions to the rule. It was YOU that told me to wait until May and without pressure, waited until July, so I am patient. But now, I cannot even find out why you cannot make any exceptions? It was important to me that I get those sites listed as I had told a customer of mine that I had sumitted them and even showed them the response you gave as to wait until May to ask. It just makes me look like crap as a business owner to my customer that you tell me one thing, then change your policies without exception. Integraty is all we have in our personal and business life and your telling me one thing, than changing the rules makes us both look bad.

Frankly that stinks and while it is not my intention to upset anyone there at DMOZ, or make my site permentaly unavailable because of my inquiry, it seems to me that there are exceptions to every rule, especially when it was YOU that told me to wait until May to ask. I have copies of what you said, if you want.

Bottom line, I have 2 sites that I submitted over 5 months ago and now you cannot tell me the status after telling me I need to wait to ask the question of status... and you make no exceptions. I'm just upset that there is no resolve for this.



Aug 11, 2004
Please read Discontinuation of site status checks

Please go back and read the responces to your original status check thread.
You are breaking many of the quidelines for suggesting a site to the ODP.

Remember, all you can do is suggest a site. Once you have done that there is not much else to do.


Apr 29, 2005

Thanks, I had never seen those two replies before. While both sites are owned by the same company, (frontrow.com that you don't have in your directory either) they serve two separate functions and have different purposes. It really wasn't for spam, but to direct people to a website that was specific to that industry.

Thanks again for the reply but it was not our intent to spam your directory, just provide a site for a specific purpose. Hopefully I can at least put in frontrow.com, a site that has been operational for 10 years now.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>While both sites are owned by the same company, (frontrow.com that you don't have in your directory either) they serve two separate functions and have different purposes.

It really isn't for us to comment on your purposes. But what we want to list is the site (if there is one) that has the purpose of answering one of the basic question of life -- for a business website, typically the one that goes "who are you, and what would you do for money?" "What goods or services do you (not a website) PROVIDE, that are not OFFERED on on any other site?"

Note that the question is NEVER "how long has this WEBSITE been up?" or "what does this website OFFER?"

The question is, "for what business is this website the unique, definitive, authoritative self-description?"


Apr 29, 2005

You have been much more help than I had expected. I just hope you will take frontrow.com in submission then since that is the business name and that is also what they do. There are other companies that offer tickets, but few have been in business so long and do a variety of services including complete packages, so I will try and submit that one instead of the smaller subject matter sites.

I complete understand your position and will abide by your rules in the future.
Thanks again,


Jun 30, 2005
No offense intended, but remember:

Note that the question is NEVER "how long has this WEBSITE been up?" or "what does this website OFFER?"

The question is, "for what business is this website the unique, definitive, authoritative self-description?"

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.