Unique Content

Jay Anderson

Mar 15, 2004
The latest trend is RSS and it is easy to have content dumped on your site.

Would RSS be considered unique? Does “unique” mean compared to the others in the category or unique as a whole?

While several RSS feeds would make the site unique only in the fact that it has different information than the original site of the original feeds.

The reason I ask is that in my mind a RSS while not directly is just a mirror of another site or sites indirectly.

I am sorry if I seem to be asking a lot of questions as of the last few days. I am just trying to better understand criteria.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"serving a RSS feed from another site" would be an excellent example of non-unique content.

Serving RSS feeds from two other sites is an excellent example of twice as much non-unique content.

The presence of non-unique content doesn't necessarily keep a site from being listed. It's the ABSENCE (or insignificance) of UNIQUE content that is fatal.

However, there is one potential problem: if on review what seems to be a site's core content is non-unique, the appropriate assumption is that the entire site is non-unique. So an idiot designer who makes his non-unique content prominent (whether RSS feeds or banner ads!) and hides his unique content, is setting his site up to be overlooked by all surfers (including ODP editors!) A
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