United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauffeur


Mar 2, 2004
I would like to propose that the category is modified.

From experience it seems that many do not see this as a car rental in the true sense. There are also various service types in the UK - Limousine (Ie the Stretch Variety), Chauffeur (The Peaked cap), Executive car service (Generally high end cars with drivers),Private hire, taxi and Mini Cab (a lower level budget service). This is a diverse market and I belive needs a more refined appoach. It also seems that the regional system does not work as some services cover more than one region but of course cannot be listed more than once.

With the advent of more companies in this field (there are over 2000 Licenced operators in London alone)it seems this should be addressed sooner rather than later.

Is there a way to solve these anomalies which will make all parties happy?


Mar 2, 2004
Re: United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauff

This is the problem exactly as an example private hire is very different from Taxi because they cannot be hailed on the street. The law is very clear on this.

Please try to bear in mind for a visitor to the UK they should be able to see the choices as at the moment this is not strictly speaking car hire in the same sense as example : Hertz, Avis or Sixt.

I belive a separate directory offering just private hire or taxi may be the way forward. All chauffeur services are after all private hire but the descrition they offer should reflect this.

I belive that the alternative beyond this is to be a little looser with the regions. The important issue is accesability to the public to find the service they need. It seems to be a hotch potch with some companies listed nationally when they only offer a local service and vice versa.

My main reason for launching this post is to see if anyone especially an editor has a good idea of how this should progress.


Sep 11, 2003
Re: United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauff

As an editor who used to assist in a managing a private hire company I can fully appreciate your comments in relation to the differene between 'Private Hire' and 'Hackney Carriage' and I am also very aware of the legal implications of the relevant operaters licences and how legally different they are.

However, in my own very personal opinion, both of them fall within the category of 'Taxi'. I understand that some people 'may' assume that a taxi is a 'Hackney Carriage' and not private hire but a taxi is defined as: "A car driven by a person whose job is to take passengers where they want to go in exchange for money". People don't call for a private hire or call for a hackney carriage - they call for a taxi which covers both by definition. It is also worth mentioning that a 'Hackney Carriage' can also take pre-made bookings on a private hire basis and thus it would make it impossible to correctly list them should the categories be seperated due to the legal differences (which can actually vary from council to council).

As it stands at the UK level thare are the following categories:


I will admit to not being that familiar with the UK level transport category however after a 'quick' glance I can't help thinking that all the services you mention are clearly seperated. I could see a problem if Taxis shared the Car Hire category but as is I can't seem to see the conflict.

Please do say if I am completely missing the point. If you have an idea of how it could be improved in your eyes why not list the 'proposed' category layout in the format that I have used above but be aware that the in's and out's and general discusion about changes like this are made in the internal forums so the responses here will be limited.

The comments made are my own personal opinions and do not constitute an official statement of the ODP.


Mar 2, 2004
Re: United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauff

Thank you for your comments.

I understand that this will be discussed within closed groups should it be deemed appropriate.

I have listed the suggested groups below:-


This simplifies matters. Sub listing can be made National for those who do offer national service and then County listings for those serving specific districts.

As previously stated not all people booking a driver or taxi view this as car rental this hopefully will make the category more accesable.

This in my view simplifies and demystifies the category as it is now. Hopefully this may assist the editorial process as the editor will not have to spend time categorizing the site.

I hope that the editors see this as a constructive suggestion. As ever any ideas or thoughts are really welcomed with the hope this maybe considered by the ODP.


Mar 25, 2002
Re: United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauff

You have presented it in a concise, non-emotional and constructive manner. It will not be simply dismissed - we welcome suggestions as to how to improve and readily acknowledge that we can't always "get it right first time" :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Re: United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauff

Just to mention that Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/Transport already has a Limousines and Shuttles @link which points at the Chauffeur Driven subcategory. The surfer within the top level of UK/Transport can thus readily find it.

Also, most taxi companies (of whatever flavour) should be listed in their localities - ie where their offices are.

This thread is now being discussed in our internal forums and the result of those deliberations will be applied to the directory (unless it's for no change of course). We'll likely also post the result here. This could take a few weeks so as to give editors who don't log in daily the opportunity to comment.


Mar 2, 2004
My feeling is that there is a hotch potch e.g. Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Transport: Car Rentals: Chauffeur Driven (41) Which also shows companies mentioning location but not in county category.

It seems there are Sales sites for limousines listed in this section along with Hackney Carriage (Taxi) and even Limos.com which is a US based site in more than one listing.

If one then chooses to open England@ (11) They are presented with :

Berkshire@ (3)
Essex@ (1)
London@ (19)
North Yorkshire@ (0)
Oxfordshire@ (3)
Yorkshire and the Humber@ (0)

But with Listings below that cover mainly companies offering geographical districts rather than countrywide and with very similar descriptions to the companies listed on the page that leads to this.i.e. Car Rentals Chauffeur Driven

I offer no disrespect to the editor(s) of this section but feel that there is no continuity.

I feel that either all services should either be listed togeteher regardless of county so that a person seeking the service without geographical knowledge may at least be able to make an informed choice.

An example being a US based individual wishing to tour Bath will probably not know that it is Somerset. they will now that they want to find a company that offers tours.

All I feel is that the categories may be a little too scattered as they stand.

I do not wish to sound obsessive in relation to this matter.

I have looked at the Ireland section which shows country wide and whilst I understand the population is smaller there seems to be greater sense in listing all.

I look forward to hearing if any headway is made and unless I can answer any questions I will leave this matter to the powers that be.

Please do advise me of the outcome if possible.
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