Unresolved Problem + "Update URL" form broken



Upon searching the phrase "FPL Group", the first two results delivered, each with a different title, erroneously reflect the same fpl.com URL. In positoin #1, the result titled "Florida Power & Light" is correctly associated with the fpl.com URL. However, in position #2 the result titled "FPL Group, Inc." does not have the correct URL, which should be "www.fplgroup.com". I've tried NUMEROUS times throughout the year to change this via the update URL form at "Business: Major Companies: Publicly Traded: F", but to no avail as the form delivers an error message that reads "Bad category. You may not submit your site to this category". Can someone please manually help me fix this?? Again, the listing currently titled "FPL Group, Inc." in the directory should actually have the FPL Group company URL of www.fplgroup.com and NOT www.fpl.com. An appropriate 10-word description for FPL Group is as follows: "Offering Electric Power Utility, Electricity Generation & Fiber-Optic Telecomm Services"

Can someone please help?? :confused:


Jun 16, 2003
I will report this issue with the update URL form in our internal forums. Watch here for a status update.

fplgroup.com appears to be a deeplink of fpl.com. We would not typically list a deeplink like this. The treatment of this listing's URL appears consistent with the treatment of other links in the category. The 20 or so that I checked link to to the company's home page, and not to a deeplink specifically designed for investors. I believe that it is unlikely that this URL will be changed in this way.

You can submit a description using the Update URL functionality (when it is fixed.) However, I would read the guidelines as the one you included above is not compliant.



The add/update URL feature has been disabled for that whole branch of the directory. The Update URL button will remain there until the next time the category is updated. Then it will disappear, so the advice about submitting the update request was incorrect.

In this case, there's nothing to be done. The directory isn't accepting suggestions for these categories. If the listing was in error, then you could request that it be fixed in these fora, but it's not.

I apologize for my confusion.

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.