update for moved /redirecting URL pending

Sep 23, 2004
update for moved /redirecting URL http://ukoehler.bei.t-online.de pending

Dear editors,

our site http://ukoehler.bei.t-online.de is listed in your directory at http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Travel/Image_Galleries/ .

As the site has moved to the new URL http://www.sights-and-culture.com, we've applied for an update on August 29th. With this update we also made changes for the title and the description and suggested a different category.

The content however is still the same and all sites of the currently listed URL are redirecting to the new URL (code 301). Unfortunately up to now the update has not been approved. Please kindly let us know, what to do.

Also we'd like to know the following:
Our site is listed in many other directories, which are generated from your entries. How can they get to know the change?

Thank you very much in advance for taking time for us!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Are you sure things are redirecting? I go to the old URL and see no evidence of it.


Mar 8, 2004
Well, it's not a 301 redirect -- but the header has
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.sights-and-culture.com">
in it.
Sep 23, 2004
redirect http://ukoehler.bei.t-online.de

arubin]Well said:
<META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="0; URL=http://www.sights-and-culture.com">[/code'] in it.

sorry, but was told, this would cause 301 code. However - the effect may be the same, isn't it?

Hope, this is o.k. for you and the changes can be done. If not, please teach me, what to do.

Thank you for your efforts.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
No, it's not the same, but it's good enough for our purposes. (We're not particular -- a "we're moving, please visit our new URL" line of text at the top of the screen would be good enough.)

FYI, though: It may NOT be good enough for some search engines, and I'd recommend getting the 301 set up if at all possible. (This is general advice and should NOT affect your ODP listing, but may help your search engine positioning.)
Sep 23, 2004
how to get 301 code?

hutcheson said:
No, it's not the same, but it's good enough for our purposes. (We're not particular -- a "we're moving, please visit our new URL" line of text at the top of the screen would be good enough.)

FYI, though: It may NOT be good enough for some search engines, and I'd recommend getting the 301 set up if at all possible. (This is general advice and should NOT affect your ODP listing, but may help your search engine positioning.)

Thank you for your advise. Have included a line with information about the move into the index site of the the old URL. Also I'd like to follow your advise and create this 301 code, however, don't know, how to do this. Could you assist me please?

Thank you!
Sep 23, 2004

Dear Editors and Moderators,

Many thanks for all your efforts so far. We appreciate this very much.

As your posts show, you have seen now for yourselves, that the old URL is redirecting to our new domain, although not yet with code 301, but with META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh.

Thank you for your hints regarding this subject, chaos127! - have checked this out. Unfortunately we don't have full access to the old server and t-online doesn't support psp or asp, in particular isn't willing, to support any move to a different domain. We understand, that it is not a condition for the update, but will try to find any solution.

Well, after all we would think, that there is no obstacle to realize the update now, in particular, as there are no changes in the content of our site, even though we have modified title and description some time ago.

Unfortunately we didn't find out, the editor for recreation - travel (is there any way, to get the information?), thus we take the liberty, to ask the question regarding the category here:
In the update form we suggested: recreation - travelogues
Currently the old site is listed at: recreation - image galleries
In our opinion, the site is more a composition of richly illustrated travelogues than an image gallery - how do you see it? Please have a look for example at India or America - thank you!

We were really happy, if you could make the update soon, so that the visitors must no longer be redirected.

Thank you so much for your obligingness and efforts!
Sep 23, 2004
Please Help!

Dear editors,

the update isn't done yet and we really have a hard problem, which I want to make you appreciate, so you'll understand our situation.

About two months ago ours provider t-online, who hosts our old URL as a subdomain (http://ukoehler.bei.t-online.de), informed us, that the hosting service for subdomains will be canceled by the end of the year and at the same time the server concerned will be shut down. So, that's why we had to move to a new domain and to change the URL.

Guess, this is the most terrible thing, what can happen to a site owner!

When our provider shuts down the server, our site is lost hopelessly. Have been working for it in our leisure for more than 4 years and now, as we both are pensioners, we want to continue with the work and show more of the rich cultural heritage around the world.

The link in your directory, which is feeding so many other directories, has a big part in the success of our site. Please update our entry and help, to keep it alive - it is now entirely in your hands!

If it it was helpful for you, we wouldn't mind if you updated just URL and title and left description and category as they are.

Please note:
The new title has been used for more than one year, only because it gives a better idea of the site's content, which is fully identical with the old site.

Awaiting your reply.

Thank you!


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I'm sorry, it seems that you didn't actually get a status report for your update request. It has arrived and is waiting for review in http://www.dmoz.org/Recreation/Travel/Image_Galleries . There is no way of predicting when it will take place, but update requests are generally processed faster than other site suggestions. Thank you!
Sep 23, 2004
thank you!!!!!!!

hello to all of you,

what great surprise this morning, to see our entry updated!

Thank you so much for your efforts and appreciation.

Best wishes

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