update listing form


Apr 19, 2004
Our site is listed in DMOZ. Recently we moved our site to a new domain and use “update listing” form in listed category. My question is: how long “normally” takes to update the URL of listed site? And if nothing happened in N(?) days/months time should we resubmit the “update listing” form?

P.S. There is a clear indication on the old URL of our new address.


Update suggestions go in the same pile as new suggestions, albeit flagged as an update. (We generally like to give updates priority.)

If you go to the Site Submission Status forum (or appropriate sub-forum) and provide the necessary information as defined in the guidelines (i.e., URL and clickable URL to the category) someone will be able to give you a status.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
All times are normal.

Our "update" requests are shown separately, and listed first in each category (before "URL suggestions", so editors can easily do them more quickly, if they choose to. (And many of us often choose to.)

If the old site does a 301-permanent-redirect to the new site, then our automatic link checker will also flag the listing, and put it in our VERY high visibility/HIGH priority queue, and then it's virtually guaranteed to be done within about 4 months. (Nothing else we do is in ANY bounded time, so this really is an indication of serious priority.)

You don't need to ever resubmit. You can, after a month, ask about ANY request (new or updated ULR) -- in our "submittal status" forum. And if it does need to be resubmitted (which is HIGHLY unlikely) we'll tell you then.
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